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My Sisters and I with Santa |
For the
Dignity of the Born and Unborn,
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My Sisters and I with Santa |
"The liturgy of Advent…helps us to understand fully the value and meaning of the mystery of Christmas. It is not just about commemorating the historical event, which occurred some 2,000 years ago in a little village of Judea. Instead, it is necessary to understand that the whole of our life must be an ‘advent,’ a vigilant awaiting of the final coming of Christ. To predispose our mind to welcome the Lord who, as we say in the Creed, one day will come to judge the living and the dead, we must learn to recognize him as present in the events of daily life. Therefore, Advent is, so to speak, an intense training that directs us decisively toward him who already came, who will come, and who comes continuously."
Laura is a 17 year old senior in high school. She is Catholic, home schools, and is an advocate for life. She has recently started her own blog My Drop in the Ocean.
So, pro-lifers unite! Let’s take over the #10forTebow hashtag – beginning today! Use that hashtag for all your tweets. And watch the Broncos/Patriots tomorrow, December 18, at 4:15p EST and note your $10 donation at #10forTebow!
Let’s be courageous like our hero Batman and speak out against injustices in our world!
"Every year, there are literally millions of children silently crying out and begging for somebody to help them, somebody to give them mercy. And we have to decide if that somebody is going to be us, or if we're going to just ignore their cries. Because even when you can't hear them it doesn't mean they're not there. I cannot stand before God when I die, look Him in the eye, and say to Him that I was too busy to do this or it just wasn't my thing."
~ Ide Nic Mahthuna, Youth Defence ~
“Abortion Non-Discrimination Act (ANDA) strengthens existing federal conscience protection laws and affirms the principle that no health care entity should be forced by government to perform or participate in abortions.”
Contact your Representative and Senators by e-mail, phone, or FAX letter:
Send an e-mail through NCHLA’s Grassroots Action Center: CLICK HERE.
Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at: 202-224-3121, or call your Members’ local offices.
Additional contact info can be found on Members’ web sites at: house.gov or senate.gov.
MESSAGE: “Please keep the Abortion Non-Discrimination Act as a part of the omnibus appropriations bill. No health care provider should be forced by government to perform or participate in abortions.”
WHEN: Please contact your Representative and Senators today.
Atlanta, GA - Newt 2012 released the following statement today from Newt Gingrich regarding his belief in the sanctity of all human life, born and unborn.I fully trust GOP candidate Gingrich in his pro-life position and think he laid it out quite eloquently.
"As I have stated many times throughout the course of my public life, I believe that human life begins at conception. I believe that every unborn life is precious, no matter how conceived. I also believe that we should work for the day when there will be no abortions for any reason, and that every unborn child will be welcomed into life and protected by law.
That is why I have supported, and will continue to support, pro-life legislation that not only limits, but also reduces, the total number of abortions, with a view to the eventual legal protection of all unborn human life.
As I have also stated in the past, on day one of my administration, I will sign an executive order reinstating Ronald Reagan’s Mexico City policy that prevents taxpayer dollars from being used to fund abortions overseas. I will also work with Congress to repeal Obamacare, defund Planned Parenthood so that no taxpayer dollars are being used to fund abortions but rather transfer the money so it is used to promote adoption and other pro-family policies, and to enact legislation that provides greater protections for the unborn.
In terms of new pro-life legislation, I stated as recently as November 19 at a public forum of candidates in Iowa that I support Congress enacting pro-life legislation under the 14th Amendment, including legislation that would define personhood as beginning at conception.
As I have also made clear in several of my public pronouncements throughout this campaign, I oppose federal funding of any research that destroys a human embryo because we are also dealing here with human life.
My convictions on human life are longstanding, deeply felt, and irrevocable matters of conscience. I will do all in my power – always – to foster reverence for life."
1. She was being biased, and discriminating against people who oppose abortion. (Did I mention she constantly encourages our class to go to Planned Parenthood for their ‘reproductive services’?)Furthermore, my teacher said that people could argue the pro-abortion position. What?!? Okay this just enraged me. I had no intention of doing a speech on abortion or anything even related to the topic, but her indoctrination and discrimination pushed me over the boiling point. I decided to dance around the topic of abortion and give a speech on something that would still have an impact on my class of 40 students, on the issue of abortion. For the last three weeks I have worked hours every single day researching and perfecting a speech on the abortion breast cancer (ABC) link.
2. It enrages me when pro-lifers get out there and start screaming “baby killers” and “murders” because this does NOT open a gateway for dialogue that could change a heart. I’m pro-life and don’t even want to hear or talk to people who hoot and holler about “baby killers”.
3. She scared -- actually terrified -- people out of speaking against abortion, when it can already be hard enough to talk about the issue in out present culture.
Good afternoon to you all,
As mentioned, my name is Tim Herrmann and I work for C-FAM as their permanent UN Representative in New York. After the speech that our President Austin Ruse gave yesterday, I am sure you have a better understanding of our work.
One of the reasons they hired me is because, like you, I am young and passionate about life and have my ideals intact. I am only 25, and yet here I am, in close communication with the diplomatic elite everyday. On a day-to-day basis my job is really two fold. First, and most importantly, I am their eyes and ears on the UN floor. I do my best to catch any breaking news and to report on it back to C-FAM and then immediately to you, the public. I cover anything related to the international pro-life and pro-family agenda and focus on the UN. Secondly, I make friends with mission delegates and keep them informed on our issues. I mean that when I say it, my job is literally to make friends with UN delegates. In practice this means taking genuine interest not only in their country but also in developing a real relationship with them as people. But more about this later.
C-FAM believes in the importance of young people getting involved. This has always been part of our mission and over the years we have introduced thousands of people like you to the UN milieu.
The Edmund Burke fellowship, for example, is a program we designed to bring law students and select undergraduates into the heart of the UN. It is competitive, and those that are chosen are educated in the importance of the international debate at the United Nations. We normally bring them to UN conferences and give them first hand experience in important negotiations. The purpose is to bring young people into direct contact with the UN, and to give them experiences that prepare them for the future. Delegates really like to hear from young people and we are often more effective when it comes to getting their attention. We are a breath of fresh air.
The fellowship was started over 4 years ago but this past year we also established the IYC for the exact same reason, to bring young people into the international life and family debate. Last year was designated the “International Year of Youth” by the UN and the IYC was born to encourage youth participation at the culminating conference they held last July. By signing up for the Friday Fax you will have a direct line to everything happening with the Edmund Burke Fellowship and the IYC. We have created an international community of young people interested in these issues and we want you involved. This is our way of helping you to have a voice in the global community, which is the topic of today’s discussion.
But what does it mean to have a voice in the global community, anyway?
About two weeks ago I had the opportunity to meet with the Third Committee delegate of the Sri Lankan Mission to the UN. The delegate began the conversation by asking me what I thought about the criminalization of abortion. Before giving him an immediate response, I asked him to explain to me why he asked. “Because”, he explained, “in Sri Lanka, abortion is illegal in all cases except for when the life of the mother is at risk. But it in practice, abortion in Sri Lanka is rampant, and the law is not respected.” At that point I asked another question, “Well, what do you think the purpose of a law is?” To that he responded, “The law is to prohibit others from doing what those in power have deemed to be unlawful.” “For me,” I told him, “the law is not meant to be an arbitrary tool of power. It is born first from a culture, and it is meant to be the affirmation of that culture’s beliefs.” “If the culture’s beliefs do not reflect the law it is because the culture has changed, and this is the real issue that must be addressed.”
Friends, even if we are successful in changing laws internationally, we know that the real issue is the culture we live in. Internationally, our way of understanding life is unpopular because it appears to be incapable of fully and concretely addressing the real life problems people face with real solutions. It seems unreasonable. It is not simply that people just disagree, but that they do not share our experience. For example, a pro-life law in a country like Sri Lanka is seen as futile because it does not represent their cultural experience, not because International Planned Parenthood Federation does a better marketing job. For many, the dissonance between a pro-life laws and cultural experience only confirms that our worldview is naïve and myopic.
In other words, to begin to turn the tide, we must show that our way of thinking is reasonable to others. That it really makes their lives better, makes them happier. This begins first and foremost with out own lives. This is the only way to move beyond ideology. If we see in our own lives that our position really answers our needs and the needs of others and is not just something want to believe despite our actual experience.
The delegate I mentioned was very impressed with the way I talked about the situation. In fact, his next question caught me off guard. He said, “you are Catholic correct?” I said, that I was. And he said, “but I have never met a Catholic like you.” And I said “well, I am not the only one like me, I can assure you. Our faith is reasonable. Many people think it isn’t but this is a misconception. We believe that our faith is a way of knowing all of reality, that it actually expands our capacity to reason and allows reason to take in all of the factors present, ignoring nothing. That is why I can respond the way I did to your question.”
You see, we must not be afraid to be honest with the reality of the situations we face. Every moment, especially the difficult ones, is an opportunity for discovery. It is a chance to verify if what we have to say is true. Not just for others, but for us too. This is the only way we can be certain and it is the only way that in a world that isn’t certain of anything, we can become bastions of hope.
Our proposal for international society is more than just a law or a single issue. It does not start with abortion, but rather with the entire human person and his needs in front of the provocations of life. This is why we are attractive, because we know that the problem of abortion isn’t abortion itself, but life.
So keep the big picture in mind. We live in a culture that no longer understands how to meet its own needs, it has forgotten its humanity and what it is for. For us this is an opportunity because not knowing what the human being is made for is tiring. And people are tired. While they tire it is our opportunity to show them why we continue to thrive. Why we continue to build and live lives that are attractive. This is how a culture is converted and I believe this is what makes us relevant internationally.
“I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”It is by these words that I now live my life. Neutrality and silence are lethal—it is only through courage and by the light of God that we can end abortion. And it all starts with YOU making the choice to stand for what’s right—to stand for life. So, it is in this spirit of love for the unborn that I encourage you to read about the message of the International ProLife Youth Conference and I can guarantee that you too will be ready to set the world ablaze.
Social media tips from Bryan Kemper:
- Strive for excellence- you're representing the pro-life movement.
- Find your niche- become an expert on something
- Think of your blog as a vocation- not your ego trip and be generous and give credit and love to other pro-lifers
- Develop a mission statement
- Blog strategically- what can I blog today that will help our movement the most or hurt theirs the most
- Blog often
- Keep it pithy - edit it well. Keep it as compact as possible. Break up paragraphs and add pictures and graphs
- Give photo credit - link to website or give info
- Write original content
- Cross post to twitter and Facebook - increase visibility
- Be accurate - back up your work and verify even if great source
- Develop a thick skin -- people will criticize you and defame you for what you do