Friday, October 28, 2011

Take Action to Defend Marriage

Marriage Act

A hearing is scheduled for November 3rd on Senator Diane Feinstien's bill to repeal the Marriage Act. If her bill were to pass it would redefine marriage across the nation. States laws concerning marriage would be shaken in favor of same sex marriage. Please take a minute to send a message through National Organization for Marriage's website in defense of the Marriage Act.

The email is prewritten and you may change it as you wish:
Send your emails now to our elected officials!

Viki Knox shares: "Viki Knox, a public school teacher, posted on her personal Facebook page objections to celebrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender History month in her public school. Gay-marriage advocates are now demanding she be fired."

Please take a moment to defend this woman's job and her right to post what she pleases on her Facebook page. Petition in Defense of Viki Knox.

Media and Marriage Research 

Supporters of marriage are needed for an online research study concerning communication messages about how marriage is defined within the United States.
Share your opinions by Nov. 1. Copy and paste this link into your browser to take the survey:

The survey takes less than 15 minutes to complete. You are eligible to participate if you are at least 18 years old.

This research study is being conducted as part of a doctoral dissertation at The Pennsylvania State University. It is NOT funded or commissioned by any political, religious, or advocacy organization. If you have questions about this study, please contact Pamela Brubaker at

For the Dignity of the born and unborn,

Timmerie Millington
Sign up to receive my blogs via email on the top right hand side of this page.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Be My Vote Campaign

Last year I voted for the first time. I cannot event tell you how excited I was; this responsibility was a big deal to me. I had spent years waiting for the day when I could stand for the moral issues of my Catholic faith in the voting booth. Even when I couldn't vote yet I talked to people about how they were voting and why it was some important. Whether you're 12 or 30 you can do the same. I encourage you to participate in because together we can change the outcome of the upcoming election! When we are silent people are hurt and lives are lost. 

For the Dignity of the born and unborn,

Timmerie Millington

"Faith cleanses the heart. It is the result of God’s initiative toward man. It is not simply a choice that men make for themselves. Faith comes about because men are touched deep within by God’s spirit, who opens and purifies their hearts.” ~ Pope Benedict XVI

Monday, October 24, 2011

Dedicated to Saving Lives Without Violence

I must admit I’m a little annoyed. Well actually, very annoyed! Those of you know know me or who have ever participated in pro-life activism with me know I’m probably one of the least confrontational people when it comes to both how events are run and responded to. I do not participate or encourage illegal activities, whether it is to save lives or teach about abortion. If the police or security show up I make sure they are spoken to and problems are worked through. Prior to running an event, I call attorneys or the police department in the area to assure we’re respecting legal boundaries if I’m unsure about any of the legal details surrounding the event. I’ve even gone so far as to tell the police ahead of time about an event I’m running in order to make things run smoothly, in the event law enforcement is called out to the event. Now, working with the police doesn’t mean submitting to unlawful orders. If I know orders being issued by law enforcement are wrong, or I am unsure, I work through the issue to find clarity and a resolution. However, I don’t allow my rights to be violated. All is done in a peaceful manner, even when there are angry people involved.

Why do I tell you this? Well it has to do with my I’m so upset. I know people who are pro-life who condemn and criticize the pro-life movement and/or particular pro-life people calling them violent; and saying these people harass, intimidate, or vandalize. There are a few people in particular who have recently publicly vocalized their thoughts of other’s pro-life work; such as “occupying” waiting rooms as Jewels Green put it in a recent article (Committed to Ending Abortion: Not by Using Violence). Really quickly I will further clarify: I do not support, nor do I participate in illegal pro-life work, nor do I EVER use violence while participating in pro-life work. (I firmly believe in saving lives and changing lives by example; by loving others.)

What makes me mad is that instead of encouraging certain ways of doing pro-life work, people often condemn one way and uplift another. You know something, there isn’t one way to do pro-life work. Yes, some people definitely cross lines that shouldn’t be crossed, and it’s not right, but you shouldn’t assume that’s the case with every pro-life activist, prayer warrior, or side walk counselor; nor should you classify whole groups of people dedicated to the saving of human life.

Allow me to share a brief story with you:

One day I walked into an abortion clinic to council women who were waiting to be called in for a procedure that would do one simple thing, end the life of the child in the mother’s womb. There were over 40 people in the waiting room and the only services provided that morning were abortions. I sat down between two women in the waiting room and started talking to them about what they were there for and why. I listened to these women and I shared information with them about abortion risks, their baby, and how there were people and resources available at that moment that could help them. We had a pleasant and peaceful conversation. When I left, both of these women thanked me for the information and for listening to their stories. The woman who was there for an abortion shared she was unsure about her decision now. She thought the abortion would be bad for her and would take the life of her little one, but she was already there so she did not know if she would leave. Unfortunately, I had to leave before I knew if she left and chose life for her child or not. I left her with information about resources that were available, so that she really had choices.

While I spoke with these women I was never asked to leave and never did I assault or intimidate anyone. While I was in the abortion clinic the door was actually shut and locked because the security guard spotted a few other people who walked in behind me to counsel women as well. They left when the security guard asked. The security guard was unhappy that pro-lifers tried to come in and started shoving around a gentleman outside who was leading the group. The gentleman didn’t push back or even touch the man as this tall and heavy set security guard pushed and shoved. The security guard walked inside and locked the door while I was sitting with these women. He never noticed me and quite frankly I was terrified, but as the door was locked I sat with these women for some time and offered them a life line.

You know why I stayed? Because children were about to be killed, and I was going to do what I could to stop it. If a house was on fire and a woman was stuck inside but you knew you could make it in to try and save her from burning to death, would you? You could be putting yourself at risk and could get hurt... Guess what, I’m not welcome to run into an abortion clinic and stop a child from being burned to death by a saline abortion. My friend was assaulted for standing outside an abortion clinic door while a few people peacefully walked inside just to talk to some of those women to try and save a life. Please tell me how “occupying” this waiting room was wrong? Please tell me why it was so wrong for heroes of the Operation Rescue era to sit outside an abortion clinic door to keep it closed for a day or maybe a few hours. Countless lives have been saved by the courageous efforts people have made. Sit ins like what Operation Rescue did aren’t done anymore because it is now illegal.

I will call pro-life advocates warriors for life because abortion is a war on the most innocent and helpless around us. However, we participate in a battle without violence; we come to the battle with love and resources that will help save innocent lives and save women from a life time of sorrow and regret. I could share story after story where peaceful people I know were violently abused by fellow citizens and police for standing on the public sidewalk outside an abortion clinic or in a free speech zone at a high school. If you want to point a finger of violence, I recommend these critics point in the direction of the abortion providers and those that would violate the first amendment rights of pro-lifers through illegal actions and often times violence. I suggest they gain more than a cursory understanding of those standing in defense of human life. Defend the unborn boldly and fearlessly, but don’t hurt your fellow man doing so and don’t act illegally.

For the Dignity of the born and unborn,

Timmerie Millington

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Love Your Body Day

Have you heard, it’s love your body day!? I challenge you to read this blog, leave a comment as to why you love your body, then re-post a link to this article. If you Tweet, the hash-tag is #lybd.

A little bit about today from pro-abortion organization, National Organization for Women’s (NOW), press release:
“The National Organization for Women Foundation announces its 14th annual Love Your Body Day to take place on Wednesday, Oct. 19. NOW Foundation launched the groundbreaking Love Your Body Day in 1998 to promote positive images of women and girls in the media and offer an alternative to unrealistic and harmful standards of beauty. Body image remains a relevant issue affecting women's health and well-being, with broader implications for the status of women in society. “
While NOW supports abortion, and that clearly isn’t loving you body, that’s not what this blog is about, but it certainly fits in without having to be explained . . . If you love something or someone you usually respect them, right? You respect their wishes, opinion, health, happiness, and so much more; well, a selfless love does, right? Lets look at this day instead of ‘Love Your Body Day’ as ‘Respect Your Body Day’. Really it’s one in the same.

Over the last few days I asked my Facebook** and Twitter** friends why they love their bodies and here are just a few of the beautiful responses I received:

Margaret Morris I love my body because who I am on the inside is represented by who I am on the outside and visa-versa. 
Ashley Marie Colantuono I respect my body because God designed me in His image, I embody his love, grace, beauty, and passion. I am beautiful before God, therefore I don't need the empty promises of one night stands, starving myself to meet the social norms or disrespecting Him with how and who I love. Psalm 31 woman, that's who I aspire to be.
Jennifer Burton Brannon It has brought forth and sustained two beautiful lives!
littlebytesnews @Timmerie I respect my body bc w/o respect 4ourselves who else will respect us?We must learn self respect @ an early age bc our bodies chnge.

If you love your body, you treasure it and its beauty. Women, your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and you and all your friends should love your bodies by respecting them with all you do and say. In Gal 5:22 “chastity” is listed as a fruit of the Holy Spirit. If we guard our bodies with chastity we respect our fidelity and the bodies of others. We also won’t be taken down roads that lead to broken hearts because of, promiscuity, contraception and abortion.
“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
We can also love our bodies by respecting the beauty and inherent dignity of every other person. Don’t fall prey to the stereo typical idea of Hollywood where we criticize every ‘flaw’ or ‘imperfection’ on ourselves and others. So what if her nose is different in shape or size from yours. God created man in His image and likeness (Gen 1:26). Yes, some are better looking than others; but, must we point it out?

I too can fall into commenting on other people’s physical appearance especially when it’s so commonly done. However, is this the loving thing to do when society and media already tear people down from the hair on their head to the nail polish on their toes?

Last week when I was helping with my Church’s middle school youth group, two of the 8th grade girls shared with me about how they’re made fun of at school, and even by their friends.One girl said she was called a pelican, among other things, for having a big nose. The second girl who has beautiful curly hair was called muffin top because of her curly hair. These girls cried that day at school, at home, and then to me. They’ve been made fun of for these things all their lives. When is it going to stop? This pain just breaks my heart because these girls think that they’re not good enough and need to change because of the comments made.

We do the same thing every day to others. I think it’s time we rise up against gossip, society, magazines, and say, "I, along with you, am made by God and we are beautiful in our own ways. Beauty is more than what is on the outside. Don’t allow your words to bring people down; whether it's to their faces or behind their backs. Love your body by loving your piers’ bodies as well.

Challenge: Let’s be extraordinary and rise above the critiques of our bodies.

Re-post this article and share a comment of why you love your body! If you Tweet be sure to us the hash-tag #lybd.

“I praise you, because I am wonderfully made; wonderful are your works! My very self you know.“ Psalm 139:14
For the Dignity of the born and unborn,

Timmerie Millington

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ron Paul Sees Life and Death

Presidential candidate Ron Paul shares a heart breaking experience of Life and Death.

For the Dignity of the born and unborn,

Timmerie Millington

Thursday, October 13, 2011

13 Emergency Calls from Abortion Clinic

The 911 calls you are about to hear in the below video by Operation Rescue speak for themselves. Abortion may be considered a "privacy issue" but it's hurting women, and we wants to help these women who's lives are being endangered and lost because of dangerous abortion practices.

The woman mentioned in one of the last calls, where the clinic staff member is asked if the woman is pregnant, died inside the abortion clinic. Staff has been asked to keep quiet and not discuss this death. In addition the New Mexico Medical Board is refusing to investigate.

For the Dignity of the born and unborn,

Timmerie Millington

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

ACT Today: Protect Life Act In the House Today

I'm stopping right now to ask you to take immediate action regarding the Protect Life Act (H.R. 358) which is scheduled for consideration today, October 13th. 

Under President Obama's current Health Care plan there is no limit to the amount of tax dollars used to fund elective abortions. The Protect Life Act (H.R. 358), if passed, will prevent the funding of abortion in the Health Care plan. 

Some of the basics of what the Protect Life Act will do. 

  • Uphold the Hyde Amendment which prevents any PPACA funds (tax dollars) from paying for abortion (except in the cases of rape/incest or threat to the mother's life).
  • Subsidized federal funds will not be able to cover abortions that step outside of the Hyde Amendment restrictions. 
  • Conscience protections upheld so that health care providers who will not take part in abortion receive federal funding without discrimination.  
  • Individuals, states, and local governments will have to purchase a separate rider to cover elective abortions. This will only be allowed through private funds, not your tax dollars.
Here are the steps of action being asked of you by the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment and the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops:
ACTION: Contact your Representative by phone, e-mail, or FAX letter:
  • Send an e-mail through NCHLA’s Grassroots Action Center. Click HERE. (You will also be able to send a message to your two U.S. Senators.)
  • Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at: 202-224-3121, or call your Representative’s local office.
  • Additional contact info can be found on Representatives’ web sites at:

MESSAGE FOR HOUSE: “During floor consideration, please vote for the Protect Life Act, H.R. 358, and oppose any motion to weaken the bill. This measure will amend the health care reform law to preserve longstanding federal policies on abortion and conscience rights."

Lastly, I ask you to click the share button at the bottom of this article immediately. No TAX dollars for abortion! 

For the Dignity of the born and unborn,

Timmerie Millington

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Kortney Blyth Gordon an Inspiration

Last night the pro-life movement lost a wonderful person. Kortney Blythe Gordon (Student’s for Life’s Field Director) and her 21 week old unborn child were killed in a head on collision traveling home from a Students for Life conference. One person in the vehicle that hit them died, another Students for Life leader Jon Scharfenberger is in critical condition, and two students have been severely wounded. Not only have we lost a wonderful person, but the unborn have lost a true hero who selflessly dedicated her life to advocating for the lives of the unborn.

Kortney was married earlier this year and was pregnant with her first child. I remember how excited I was just a few months ago when her Uncle Don told me (while we were sidewalk counseling in Los Angeles) that Kortney was expecting a little baby! Kortney’s Uncle Don, whom I call Uncle Don because of her, is another pro-life hero who has saved over 3,000 babies from abortion through sidewalk counseling, and he was one of the main inspirations in her pro-life work.

Kortney has been a long time friend and inspiration to me. I met her through our work with Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust many years ago; where she was responsible for training hundreds of pro-life youth to stand in defense of the unborn. Kortney taught me how to sidewalk counsel when I was 13. She taught me that above all when counseling women against abortion to love each and every woman who entered the clinic because God loves us. To respond to women gently and to do everything in my power to save them from loosing their child and to save that precious unborn child form death. I remember standing outside of numerous abortion clinic doors praying and speaking with her while we waited to be the last intervention between that unborn child and the abortion procedure room.

Kortney's Baby Sophy
I remember the very first time I went sidewalk counseling; I was practically a little girl standing there next to Kortney at one of the busiest abortion clinics in Los Angeles on a Saturday morning at about 6:30 a.m. With the little training of sidewalk counseling I had received the day before during Survivors Pro Life Training Camp, I remember looking up at her and saying, “I don’t know if I can do this. I have to talk to this woman who is about to have her baby killed, and you want me to try and stop her?” I realized that no bit of training could prepare me for such a task and that I wanted Kortney to do it because she had done it before. Kortney reminded me that what we were doing was so much bigger than us and that it’s “God’s work” and that “it’s our duty to help others”.

I was trembling, had knots in my stomach at the thought of what was happening inside the building, I was on the verge of tears, and begging Kortney to help me because I thought I couldn’t do it. I even asked her, “Who’s going to listen to a little girl like me?” There I was saying I was not ready, and a woman walked up who needed help. Kortney grabbed me by the arm and with a huge smile on her face and said “come on, we’ll do it together” . . .

Kortney lead the conversation and kept pulling me along to help. I showed the woman how far along she was in her pregnancy and shared with her that her baby already had little fingers, toes, and a beating heart. Kortney talked with the woman asking her what she needed and the lady shared much information and hurt that she was going through. Last I said, “I know I can’t keep your baby, even though I wish I could; I’m too young. But I can find you someone who will keep him for you!” The lady giggled, thanked us, and went inside. Minutes later the woman came out and asked Kortney for help cause she wanted to give her baby life! The woman was then taken to a pregnancy resource center which assisted her through her pregnancy.

Right away Kortney told me I did a good job and reminded me to just keep talking to those women in need because God put us there to help them. I remember praying to the Holy Spirit to place the words in me because I had no idea what to say even with all the knowledge about fetal development and abortion risks. From that day on, every time I sidewalk counsel, I recall Kortney’s words telling me “it’s God’s work” and that I needed to love each and every women I encounter because “it’s our duty”.

Kortney and I have stayed in contact over the years, even after she moved to the east coast to work for Rock for Life and later for Students for Life. I can tell you that she has been missed in so many ways. From her courage, to her abundance of joy. We’ve worked on different projects together as I later took a leadership position with Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust at the same time she left. I’ve taught some of the same materials she taught me so many years ago, and have even used many of the materials she developed. Just a few weeks ago she was encouraging me to drop everything and move to the East Coast to work with her at Students for Life.

I pray that Kortney’s story of unconditional love and courage continue to inspire many. Every day since I’ve known Kortney, she continued to dedicate her life to saving babies and ending abortion. She reached out to thousands across the world to tell them about abortion, she helped hundreds of women through their pregnancies, she was arrested when she was unlawfully told she couldn’t stand somewhere to defend life, and NEVER did she stop until the day she departed this life. She died in service to God and out of love for the unborn as she travelled home from a Students for Life conference.

May our Lord receive His faithful servant Kortney and her unborn baby into His hands, and may He comfort her family.

Monday, October 3, 2011

"180" Your Views Will be Challenged

I'm very impressed by this video "180" put together by Ray Comfort. He compares the Jewish Holocaust to the current American Holocaust: Abortion. Not just that, he challenges the way one thinks and makes moral decisions. I normally don't watch YouTube videos that are over a few minutes long, but I promise that every second of this 30 minute long video is worth watching. 

I don't want to share too much for I believe the video speaks for itself; however, please comment sharing your thoughts. I would love to hear from you!

What are your thoughts about the video? What stood out to you?

For the Dignity of the born and unborn,

Timmerie Millington