Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"Why do people hate babies?"

This is a question I started asking myself after I heard Baby Joseph's medical records in Canada still hadn't been released for a hospital in the United States to give Baby Joseph the care Canada has refused him (read Baby Joseph's Story). After I repeated this question in my head a few times I quickly stopped myself thinking 'this isn't true... What a horrible thought'. Then I thought about all the abortions that are performed, and I thought about the fact that a lot of people have abortions for selfish reasons, not out of hate for their baby. I also thought about people who KNOW it's a baby in the womb yet they talk about abortion as though it is no big deal and call it a "blob of tissue" while I call it a "baby". Then I reverted back to thinking 'Why does the Canadian government want to kill baby Joseph by pulling out his feeding tube and giving him a lethal dose of medicine? They have to hate babies if they won't care for him, and now they won't even give the necessary information to those who would care for Baby Joseph.

Baby Joseph and his Dad

As I spend time with family, friends, and observe other people, I see a lot of older people (about 30 and up) who don't care to hold and play with babies, and some even feel uncomfortable around babies and cringe at any noise they make. But then I look at my generation and we adore the precious little ones and can't get enough of holding, playing, or talking in funny voices to these beautiful little people. From the time I was very little it didn't matter who else was in the room, if there was a baby in the room, I wanted to hold that baby. I know this isn't just me! I've seen my friends, family, and now my younger siblings do the same things. We even become jealous of anyone else holding a baby! Is it because we long for our missing friends, cousins, siblings, aunts, and uncles who were never born?

As a young sidewalk counselor, I would honestly say that I would be willing to take and care for a woman’s baby or find a home for the baby if that was the only way she would choose life for her child, and I know many other sidewalk counselors feel the same way. Why is it that some do everything they can to defend the right to take the lives of these little ones, while at the very same time, others do anything they can to save the baby humans?

Please take a minute to send an email to Canadian officials requesting the release of Baby Joseph's medical records: here is the template email. Just fill in your name.


  1. Interesting point about the generations. I happen to be one of those "older" people (lol. I'm 34, and I don't consider myself old!). My experience is that most of my family members (most of whom are 30 or older), no matter how secular and apathetic they are to what is right and wrong, have always enjoyed playing with and taking care babies. Maybe it's a cultural thing. In my past life, however, unlike most of my family, I certainly was one of those people who was more annoyed by babies and children in general. Since my reversion to Catholicism and as I have gotten more and more involved in the pro-life movement, I have noticed that I find joy in babies (and children in general) - I enjoy playing with them and holding them, and I'm actually getting pretty good at it (still need some work with infants, but I'm getting there). So, I can't really say whether or not I agree or disagree with your observation, based on my own personal experience. But it's certainly interesting to think about, and it certainly is encouraging to see how excited "young" people are about life and babies and children. Definitely saw this first hand at the March for Life. God bless!

  2. Thanks for your comment J! I don't think this is the case for everyone but in general it seems to stand pretty true. Do you find that as you grew up your friends took much interest in babies or were they like yourself?

  3. That's a good question. Most of the people with whom I grew up came from strong families, so I think they may have taken more interest in babies. But I think that in general, when we were younger (high school and college), the guys didn't take much interest. As we got older and some of us started having families, and we saw each other's babies, they started to take more of an interest. I think the girls took an interest all along. I was probably the last to take an interest because for a long time, I was anti-marriage, anti-family, anti-children, placing all my priority on career. Thanks be to God for setting me straight on all of that. I hope that's a sufficient answer.

  4. Thanks for sharing J! Definitely good insight.
