Monday, February 28, 2011

Unplanned Chapter 6: '40 Days and 40 Nights'

Chapter six off Abby Johnson’s book Unplanned is filled with many occurrences that make a large impact upon her and are also extremely sad: the very first 40 Days for Life campaign, Abby’s experience with religion, dealing with a rape victim, and finding out she is pregnant for the third time.

It’s wonderful to read about the beginning of the now national 40 Days for Life grass-root prayer vigils, and how the very first campaign impacted Abby Johnson and the others who worked at Planned Parenthood. Abby says that 40 days of constant prayer and humble outreach surrounding the abortion clinic was “killing us with kindness” and caused severe discomfort within the Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas. Can you imagine being surrounded for 40 days by hundreds of people that disagree with you on something but reach out in sincere kindness the entire time? I have to say that from my experience in running a 40 Days for Life prayer vigil, it is incredible to see the abundance of love from every singe person involved; 40 Days for Life prayer vigil participants touched my heart. I can’t even imagine what it did to those who were on the other side of the fence.


One of the numerous things that really stood out to me in this chapter was that Abby recognized during the very first 40 Days for Life campaign that the presence of God was on the pro-life side. Later in the chapter, there are a few situations related to religion that had an effect on Abby Johnson’s roll at Planned Parenthood. First, Abby talks about two Catholic coworkers at Planned Parenthood having mentioned hearing a pro-life homily at mass; the women felt that they were doing “God’s work” except when it came to abortion, and how they tried to avoid abortion while at Planned Parenthood. Later during the chapter Abby and her fiance Doug decide to attend church and when they ask to become members of the church, the pastor tells them they cannot join because Abby works at Planned Parenthood where abortions are performed. Abby is heart broken over this encounter and speaks later about fearing she may go to hell because of her job. It really shocks me sometimes to see that some of the people involved in the abortion industry truly believe they’re doing something that is good, but also doubt and feel uncomfortable when directly involved with abortion. This makes me believe strongly in the necessity of setting an example for others by how we behave and showing the pro-life movement as the side of the fence that truly is caring for women. The many people that make up the pro-life movement do not want women to feel damaged or guilty because of decisions they make in crisis, loneliness, or ignorance.

A common argument that comes up when dealing with abortion is: What about in cases of rape, is it okay to have an abortion? After dealing with a rape victim, Abby sums up one of the best reasons for a rape victim to choose to give their unborn child life. Of Course the primary reason would be that aborting the child would end an innocent life; however after dealing with the rape victim Abby experiences first hand that when choosing abortion for her unborn child, the rape victim is devastated by having created a second victim of the rape.

“I was the victim. I completely understand that I carry no blame for the rape. But” she began weeping, “I keep having nightmares about the abortion. I feel so much guilt. I know I deliberately took the life of my child.” -- Unnamed woman Abby Johnson quotes in Unplanned

The last event I would like to point out is when Abby finds out that she is pregnant for the third time, this time with her new husband. She experiences mocking comments by her coworkers at Planned Parenthood when they hear her news. These comments are filled with suggestions of “taking care” of the pregnancy if Abby doesn’t like the outcome of her pregnancy test! Abby does not find this funny and the comments disturb her, especially thinking of the secret of her two previous abortions. How can we, as a society, accept comments such as these? Abortion is a norm in our society today; we must confront this and not allow abortion to be continuously mocked or looked at as not a big deal.

Order Abby’s book and join this discussion:

Checkout my reflection from:

Chapter 4, 'The Cause'
Chapter 5, 'The Bond of Compassion'

Standing In Defence of the Voiceless,

Timmerie Millington

Friday, February 25, 2011

Confronting the Culture In Cyberspace

Today, society accepts and promotes personal happiness and freedom to do as one pleases. Abortion is generally accepted in today’s age, but according to the 2009 Gallop Poll more youth are growing up saying that abortion should be illegal! The upcoming generation of young people take an active stance in promoting a culture of life that denies the modern pop culture which promotes abortion. Last year, while the new Health Care Reform legislation was in the process of being passed, people of all ages attended numerous town hall meetings and spoke up against pro-abortion politicians and the Obama administration in order to reveal the abortion agenda being promoted through the Health Care bill. Today young people have stepped up to work to de-fund Planned Parenthood; we will not sit down while our money is spent to pay for abortions when ⅓ of our generation is missing in the name of choice.

In September 2010 the trending topic on Twitter was “Abortion Clinic Playlist Songs”. Millions of Twitter users posted statuses saying what song they would listen to while waiting to have an abortion. Some of the many songs that came up were Oops I did it Again by Britney Spears, Bye Bye Bye by Nsync, and many more heartless songs that mocked the issue of an abortion that damages those involved, and takes the life of an innocent child. Once again young people stepped up and through the power of social media they expressed why this trending topic was completely disrespectful of the the woman and child involved in an abortion decision, and this really opened up a conversation for people to express how they feel and to listen to others.

To date, we are governed by the most pro-abortion president this country has ever faced and it is time we boldly stand for life through media, social networking, and by the way we conduct our own lives on a daily basis. As a social media coordinator for a number pro-life organizations I see first hand that people love to talk about abortion whether they agree or disagree and others are heavily impacted by what is shared by their own friends.

Social networking has changed the face of the pro-life movement, in the past when pro-life stories and issues were not being addressed in the secular media it caused difficulty for the pro-life movement, but now with modern technology and the Internet, it is easier to spread the word and gain momentum for the pro-life message. Pro-life news is no longer being censored or suppressed by gate keepers. Millions of people connect online and participate in online conversations about abortion, and through this, many hearts are changed when faced with the truths about the effects of abortion on society.

Pope John Paul the II said, “A Nation that kills its own children is a nation without hope.” When the supreme court decision of Roe v Wade was made, it jump-started the culture of death, today we must stand for the right to life in a public forum and take back the culture, to create a Culture of Life that is filled with hope.

Let’s network in cyberspace!

Standing In Defence of the Voiceless,

Timmerie Millington

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Regional Pro-Life Speech Contests

Announcement from Claire Johnston with CA Youth For Life

It's that time of year again, and this spring we are holding our regional pro-life speech contests! We are looking for talented high school juniors & seniors to compete and would love to see Victory Christian represented in this contest!

Currently, regional speech contests are being held from January-March throughout the state. The requirements to compete are listed here. Each student must be a high school junior or senior and create, develop and deliver a 5-7 min pro-life speech. This contest provides incredible opportunity to enrich your education, experience and speaking skills! It's also a fantastic way for you to earn scholarship money.

Winners of the regional will compete on April 9th at our state final competition at the Capitol in Sacramento. The State Title Winner and one parent will receive an expense paid air fair and hotel in Florida this June for the Nationals.

Right now, we are looking for students who are passionate about life, are eager to learn and speak out in a tasteful and professional way. To register click here or email me back at or call 916.442.8315 x 307

Our Sacramento Regional is being held on March 8thth, at Sacramento State University and if you're from Sacramento, we'd love to have you be apart of it! If you would like to know regional dates in other areas of the state, please contact me. I'd love to connect you, or any potential competitors with the appropriate regional. Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions or if there is any way I can assist you!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Supporting Pro-Life Legislation, Even With Exceptions

Last night, Facebook posts by pro-life advocates brought attention to Abby Johnson’s supports of a bill that would require a sonogram be performed and the doctor to explain it at least 24 hours before the abortion, except in cases of rape, incest, and abnormal development of the fetus (Greek for young one) the mother has the choice not to be told about the sonogram by the doctor or to see it.

Abby tells people not to get into a “tizzy” because there is an exception to the bill. She states that these exceptions are only 1% of all abortions performed, and that thousands of lives will still be saved if this bill passes. Abby says, “We win some battles before winning the war.”

Some pro-lifers are angered by Abby’s response to this exception, but I agree with her, the fight for the life of un-born will not be won in one stroke. My mom very eloquently explained on Facebook why it is important to move forward with imperfect pro-life legislation and that Abby is correct in supporting this bill even with the exceptions. See my mom’s response:

Louisa Millington
Although human law may not always express the moral imperative, which is protection of all human life in all of its stages, we must always work to change our laws, which have an obligation to protect and preserve all human life. With that being said, Pope John Paul II in The Gospel of Life tells us that we may support imperfect legislation, legislation, for example, that does not ban all abortions, but puts some control on the current more permissive laws by aiming to lower the number of abortions. We must attempt , however imperfectly, to incrementally reverse the massive tide of abortion through imperfect legislation. "This does not in fact represent an illicit cooperation with an unjust law, but rather a legitimate and proper attempt to limit its evil aspects." Gospel of Life, no. 73

The same principals apply to imperfect politicians. If we wait for electable candidates that perfectly conform to our pro-life position, we will likely be continuously disappointed with representation supporting the platform of the Culture of Death.

The last thing I would say on this topic is that the abortion industry did not become this million plus, baby killing machine over night, and short of the hand of God intervening on our behalf, the rolling back of abortion rights will also not happen over night with one individual piece of legislation. It will likely happen one imperfect law at a time.

Video where Abby Johnson discusses this bill:

Standing In Defence of the Voiceless,

Timmerie Millington

Monday, February 21, 2011

President Obama Strikes By Removing Conscience Rights

He said he would repeal conscience rights, and indeed he has. While America has actively pursued the de-funding of Planned Parenthood President Obama has had an agenda of his own that violates the rights of all medical practitioners and hospitals. On Friday President Obama rescinded nearly all of the conscience protections put into place by President Bush in 2008. This means that even if it is against ones personal ethical principles, medical providers are now required to refer people for birth control, “emergency” birth control (which could mean abortions if found necessary), abortifacient drugs, and more.

However, the Health and Human Services Department rule does state, "The department supports clear and strong conscience protections for health-care providers who are opposed to performing abortions,”.

Catholic health care facilities form the largest not- for-profit health service sector in the US, caring for nearly one sixth of all US hospital patients each year, which amounted to more than 5.6 million patients in 2008. When first elected into office, President Obama focused his attention on a piece of legislation known as the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), which among other things, would have eliminated Conscience Protections for hospitals and health care providers. In a show down with the Catholic Church, the Church vowed to shut down all Catholic health care facilities should their Conscience Rights be denied. Due to overwhelming public outcry, the President moved his focus from the Freedom of Choice Act, and committed to achieving the goals of FOCA incrementally through individual pieces of legislation and executive order. This brings us to today. The incremental chipping away of conscience rights has begun; the president is doing exactly what he promised to Planned Parenthood, and the National Organization of Women. This, indeed is a water shed issue, and the president has no intention of stopping with the narrowed set of conscience rights he has stripped from health care facilities and providers.

Stand with health care workers so that they are not forced to refer anyone for services that violate human rights. Spread the word and be ready to take action with congress!

Standing In Defence of the Voiceless,

Timmerie Millington

Success! NOW, The Battle Continues

This last week has been one of great historical importance for the pro-life movement. The accomplishment of passing the Pence Amendment, which would de-fund Planned Parenthood, in the House of Representatives was a huge step in standing up for millions of lives lost at the hands of Planned Parenthood and in protecting many more babies in the womb from seeing their death. I applaud everyone in the pro-life movement for their faithful commitment over the past four decades, and as they continue to stand for the un-born; especially for their swift actions from blogging, social networking, to making phone calls to congress over the last couple of weeks. Citizens of America have made it clear: De-fund Planned Parenthood of their more than $360 million dollars in annual funding that is payed for with our tax dollars!

Now is not the time to sit back while the debate moves to the Senate. The fight has only begun and the Senate will be far more of a challenge than was the House of Representatives. We must continue to expose Planned Parenthood for who they are, they aid sex trafficking and fail to report illegal behavior, but these are not the only things they do. Planned Parenthood held underage girl who was raped, hostage, perform illegal late term abortions, and much more.

It is time to continue to put the pressure on the Senate to de-fund Planned Parenthood in defense of rape victims, sex trafficking slaves, women, teens, and all others who have been a victim of Planned Parenthood’s illegal behavior. Now, we must act quickly as the Senate is scheduled to begin their debate next week. Here are the next steps:
  1. Continue contacting your Senators by phone and email
  2. Create awareness of the illegal behavior of Planned Parenthood and re-post on social media outlets.
Here are some links to information about Planned Parenthood’s illegal behavior:

Illegal late term abortions
Donations Accepted to Perform Abortions on Black Babies
Gives False Medical Information--Rosa Acuna Project
Mona Lisa Project
Sex Trafficking
Protecting Pedophiles
Racist Agenda

Standing In Defence of the Voiceless,

Timmerie Millington

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Unplanned Chapter 5 'The Bond of Compassion'

Did you know that according to Guttmacher Institute two-thirds of women who have abortions are Christian? I must begin by saying that after reading a couple pages into this chapter I put the book down out of pure frustration and sorrow. . .

Abby Johnson finds herself pregnant for the second time, but this time she is coming out of a marriage with the baby's father. Because at this point she had been with Planned Parenthood for a little over a year it was easier for her to accept the idea of abortion. Abortion became an every day norm for Abby, even though she really was not a large supporter of abortion and she grew up Christian. After finding she was pregnant, Abby says in Unplanned, her mind went right away to thoughts of, “If I have this child.”

While working at Planned Parenthood Abby felt accepted, cared for, and not judged by others when she was going through difficult times. The decision to abort her second ‘pregnancy’ came easy, but the actual process wasn’t. She took RU-486 (a pill that causes one to miscarry), within a day she found herself in extraordinary pain, bleeding, completely alone, and too embarrassed to go to the doctor because she decided to abort her child. Abby was alone and sick for several weeks.

It breaks my heart to think about women who have an abortion and then turn to abortion time and time again. I’m angered by this mentality, but I understand the mentality behind having an abortion for some. This is a norm not only for those who work within the industry but for society as a whole. Even over the last three months I’ve counseled two women who have seriously considered an abortion. These were women who were pro-life, Catholic, and never would have thought about having an abortion before finding themselves in their current situation. One, found herself in a crisis pregnancy outside of wedlock; she quickly started thinking of it as pregnancy and not a child (please pray for her as she has chosen to keep her baby through difficult situations). The second woman was in extreme pain with a condition called Hyperemesis and when the pain continued she stopped saying baby and began to call her baby ‘it’ or ‘thing’. She began to prepare herself for an abortion, and kept telling herself, and me, that she did not have any emotional attachment to ‘it’ (I believe she may have had the abortion, although I’m not positive). By dehumanizing the baby growing within her, and using terms such as it, thing, or referring to her baby as a pregnancy, she was able to detach herself from an act that she believed to be wrong as she considered ending the life of her unborn child.

Please pray for all women who are pregnant and considering an abortion. Pray for consistency of personal morality and personal behavior.

"My story -- my decision to abort my second pregnancy even though I told myself I was a champion for decreasing the number of abortions -- illustrates the complexity, the confusion, and frankly, the disconnect between behavior and values that permeates our culture.” -- Abby Johnson shares in her book Unplanned.

Order Abby’s book and join this discussion:

Checkout my reflection from:

Chapter 4, 'The Cause'

Standing In Defence of the Voiceless,

Timmerie Millington

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Action Alert: White Rose Campaign: Expose Planned Parenthood Through Social Media!

Action Alert from Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust:

Today, Tomorrow, and Friday,
February 16 - February 18

Use Social Media to Expose Planned Parenthood!

Join Survivors and LiveAction in a national grassroots effort that could be the final push in defunding Planned Parenthood. Right now, Congress is getting ready to vote on Rep. Mike Pence's Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act, which would help DEFUND Planned Parenthood. YOU can help stop our tax dollars from paying for abortions by participating in this groundbreaking social media campaign NOW.

Pro-abortion advocates and abortion providers are scared. They know that they're on the ropes. We've seen an increase in security, hushed meetings, and frantic emails from Planned Parenthood, NOW, and NARAL.

We need to keep the pressure on. Here's what you can do:
Call Congress and use this template to email your representative now.
If you have not watched the latest LiveAction videos, watch them now:, THEN comment on them and post them to Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and all other social media outlets. Keep the buzz going!
Google search blogs, op-eds, tweets, etc. about the videos and reply with corrections to incorrect posts and links back to the videos. Keep the focus on the abuse!

Today is a turning point in American History. Congress will be voting on the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act this week. You could help make this the year that goes down in history as the beginning of the end of legalized abortion in the United States.

Post to your social media outlet now!

Monday, February 14, 2011

St. Valentine’s Day . . . Living Out Your Pro-Life Position

Yes, I’m pro-life... But that doesn’t mean that my only beliefs are that abortion is wrong and no matter what you shouldn’t kill your baby. There is so much more to the issue, in addition to the loss of a child’s life. When I look at the demand for abortion in the world today I take a step back and think about why the demand is so high, and of course it comes back to the basic idea... If you don’t want to be pregnant don’t have sex. This is simple, right? But it’s so much more than that.

As individuals we must recognize the dignity of each and every human being, beginning with ourselves. When you begin to have relations outside of marriage you forget one aspect of the act and that is procreation. We are called as human beings to raise up future generations to love and serve, and having sex outside of marriage leaves future children out of the picture. The selfish mentality comes into play, first with the desire for pleasure and next, compromising by using birth control or abortion in the event of an unwanted pregnancy.

I believe that love is an action and by the way we treat others, we show our love for them. Being chaste by not having sex and waiting for marriage is a selfless act because you’re saving yourself for your future spouse and respecting the person you’re dating by protecting them for their future spouse, whether it is or is not you. This also spares one from the hurt of pregnancy before marriage.

This may not be easy for some, but remember it will save you the heartbreak if nothing else. Live a life that sets an example to others. Living a chaste life and being pro-life go hand in hand, I encourage you to live out your pro-life position. I see too many people who say they’re pro-life but then find themselves in a crisis pregnancy because of their choices, and then the idea of abortion isn’t so bad after all.

If you’re married or a man I strongly suggest you checkout Bryan Kemper’s blog from last Valentine’s day about living a chaste marriage,from a man’s perspective.

Happy St. Valentine’s Day!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Planned Parenthood Exposed

I’m sure by now you’ve seen or heard of the videos exposing illegal activity of Planned Parenthood employees. Live Action, a pro-life organization lead by youth dedicated to ending abortion with the use of media to educate others performed numerous sting operations throughout the United States. A man and woman posed as a pimp and prostitute seeking STD testing, birth control, abortion, and other services for adults and, minors as young as 14, as well as given advice for how to obtain services for the pimp's “sex workers”. These six videos reveal the shocking aid and advice given by Planned Parenthood workers to the pimp for how to obtain services.

This is one of 6 videos, over the last week, released exposing clinics in New Jersey, New York, and Virgina. The sting operations were performed over the last few months. All the videos continue to affirm the actions of these Planned Parenthood clinic worker. All of the footage, not edited, was given to law enforcement before any of the videos were even released. Planned Parenthood fired the worker from New Jersey the day after the first video was released exposing her aiding sex trafficking.

Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood director and author of the book Unplanned, says this behavior by Planned Parenthood is a common. Cover-ups and tweaking is often used to aid women underage who are involved in human trafficking. Abby Johnson was even able to share similar experiences she had while working for Planned Parenthood where she helped provide services for a sex slave.

The $300 million in annual federal funding of Planned Parenthood helps make these illegal services free. I’m sure you’re enraged by this entire situation, so here is what you need to do:

1. Contact Congress! A template email has already been put together that you may edit and send right now.

2. Spread the word about this video and 4 others which can be viewed at

3. Encourage others to take action. We must be persistent in this battle to defund Planned Parenthood

View more videos exposing illegal work of Planned Parenthood:

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Unplanned Chapter 4: 'The Cause'

In this chapter Abby shares about her first experience as an intern at Planned Parenthood. Her first day on the job she escorts women from their cars in to the clinic for their abortion appointments. The lesson in this chapter shows how pro-lifers on the other side of the fence helped shape Abby’s view of abortion at that time . . .

The battle between Planned Parenthood’s clinic escorts and pro-lifers begins: As a clinic escort Abby was trained to meet women at their car doors when they pulled up to the clinic and to quickly start speaking to the client; so sidewalk counselors on the other side of the fence wouldn't have an opportunity to intercept the client before entering the clinic. A constant battle throughout the morning continued of who would be the first person heard by each woman arriving at the clinic for an abortion. The escort would begin talking to cover up anything said by the sidewalk counselors, and sidewalk counselors would begin to speak louder for the abortion minded woman to hear them. I understand where both sides are coming from at this moment, but what about the woman? Could you imagine being in the middle of what is clearly a battle ground with two sets of people talking to you?

From my personal sidewalk counseling experience, these are the very few moments that you have to grab the ladies attention, to counsel her on her decision, and to provide both resources and options. So, the first things that come out of a sidewalk counselor’s mouth are words that show care, offer help, or share about the development of the child within her. The short period of time you have to possibly save a life can cause sidewalk counselors to become desperate. A heartfelt plea can quickly change to speaking too loud and participating in the battle of who can speak louder; you or the clinic escort. This is where the woman is going to be startled and scared, in the midst of a decision that already wasn’t easy. This woman may have traveled for hours to obtain an abortion, and she may feel desperate.

The women Abby escorted that day would at least stop and look at the pro-lifers to try and see what was going on, but some of what they saw did not come off as loving, or even friendly. Abby’s account of a few pro-lifers on the sidewalk (please think of this from Abby’s perspective or from the perspective of the women standing in the parking lot): one man dressed like the Grim Reaper waving a scythe in the air, an older man accompanied by a sign saying ‘murder’ in bloody red paint, and an enraged woman marching up and down the sidewalk with an aborted baby sign which she hoisted up and down. Now these were not the only people on the sidewalk that day, they were joined by others who were quietly praying or sidewalk counseling, but the sincerity and peacefulness of many was easily over looked due to the behavior and signs of the others. It’s no wonder some women are frightened to even approach sidewalk counselors and prayer warriors.

I’m sure most of you reading this agree with me when I say this is very sad, and for two reasons. One, clinic workers and the clients could look at the entire group on the sidewalk as lunatics, when that isn’t the case. Two, those pro-lifers who are rough in their approach are so angered by the loss of thousands of children daily to abortion that this is what they feel they have to do. I can see why some would walk up and down a sidewalk with a sign. The killing of a child is wrong whether inside or outside of the womb, and that’s what these people are trying to get across. Unfortunately though, that’s not how hearts are changed. We must encourage and engage with others. A sign saying ‘murder’, dressing up in a costume, and an aborted baby picture can quickly close the doors of encouragement and conversation with women, and men, at an abortion clinic. (This is my personal belief regarding aborted baby signs: there is a time and a place to educate with them. However, at an abortion clinic, those signs turn women away quickly so that side walk counselors are not able to engage them in conversation. Again, there is a small window of opportunity to save a life, and it is here where a graphic aborted baby sign can end that opportunity quickly.) Would you walk up to someone with a sign that says ‘choose life’ and ‘we care about you’? Or to someone with a sign that says ‘murderer’? I would want to know why someone says they care about me in a sign. Sometimes the simple gestures and encouraging signs of life are what make the largest impact.

“So why do we feel we need to protect clients from conversations about their choices? What does it hurt if they hear information and make the choice to leave?” --Unplanned, Abby Johnson

On Abby's very first day at Planned Parenthood, she questioned why Planned Parenthood didn't want the woman to hear what sidewalk counselors had to say if Planned Parenthood is for a woman’s right to choose. In addition Abby thought women should be informed and able to make the choice best for them. Abby shares that at this moment she felt very confused and questioned her place at Planned Parenthood.

“On my first day as a Planned Parenthood volunteer, the confrontational and hostile demeanor of a few in the pro-life crowd not only colored my perception of their movement but solidified my commitment to Planned Parenthood. Though my first day had been baffling, one thing was clear to me: those on my side of the fence were defending and helping women, as we protected them from those on the other side of the fence.”
--Unplanned, Abby Johnson

There is a strong chance that had all the pro-lifers outside of Planned Parenthood that day been dressed like normal people and conducted themselves in a more gentle way... Abby might not have moved forward in her journey at Planned Parenthood thinking she needed to defend the right to choose.

Order Abby’s book and join this discussion:

Checkout my reflection from:

Chapter 1, ‘The Ultrasound’
Chapter 2, 'The Volunteer Fair'
Chapter 3, 'The Power of a Secret'

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Shocking Videos Exposing Planned Parenthood... Take Action Today

If you have not seen the video below exposing Planned Parenthood for aiding sex trafficking and exploiting young woman as young as 14 please watch and take action:

A battle has already begun in congress to defund Planned Parenthood.  Here is what you need to do:

1. Contact Congress! A template email has already been put together that you may edit and send right now. 

2. Spread the word about this video and 4 others which can be viewed at 

3. Encourage others to take action.  We must be persistent in this battle to defund Planned Parenthood 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Unplanned Chapter 3: ‘The Power of a Secret’

For some it's easy to be pro-life but the tide can change when you find yourself in a crisis pregnancy and you need a solution. As I read the third chapter of Abbey Johnson’s book ‘Unplanned’ it is sad to see that when faced with an unplanned pregnancy one’s pro-life views can be shut off and the ‘easy way out’ is quickly embraced. When does it become a pregnancy vs a baby? I’ve seen many women who are pro-life and who know that there is baby inside their tummy suddenly start to shutoff emotional feeling or attachment to their child when things become difficult, unplanned, or painful.

It’s no wonder women quickly embrace the pro-abortion side that makes them think they have choices because those in favor of abortion fight for the choice to end a ‘pregnancy’. But from first hand experience, Abby shares that once you’re in the abortion clinic and are being prepared for an abortion, there is little counseling that helps one through their decision to abort or that provides other options. After the abortion no one was there to hold Abby’s hand, she was left with a blanket and a hard chair where she woke up sitting next to many other women who were told it was an easy procedure. Abby woke up after this easy procedure in a room filled with weeping women who were clutching at their bellies and rocking back and forth in sorrow and pain. Who was there at that clinic to give these women options, to help them love their baby, fight for their life, and support them before and after their decision to abort? These women need to know there are other options. It is a norm in today’s society to shut off emotionally to your baby because it’s ‘just a pregnancy’, but we must help women not turn their backs to the child inside of them when things become difficult.

Women and men alike often say that abortion is a woman’s issue. Do you agree? There are men who cry for the loss of the child they were not told about by their girlfriend or wife. Men can also be the first to suggest an abortion to a woman when she shares she is pregnant. This is a man and woman’s issue. Men may not partake in the actual abortion procedure but they help make choices and they morn that ‘choice’. Again, who is there to counsel the woman when she has the abortion, where is the boyfriend or husband that dropped her off for her appointment and sat outside?

Planned Parenthood can be embraced because they provide what looks like the simplest solution, and they protect the right to that solution. Planned parenthood helps women exercise and protect their rights especially when faced with crisis pregnancy. The lesson I learned from this chapter is that every pregnant women needs to know there are options besides abortion and there are people who can help them through their pregnancy. You’re average woman who is pregnant may consider an abortion because she doesn't feel well or it isn’t a good time to have a baby. The next time you see a friend, family member, or stranger who is pregnant I encourage you to tell them congratulations because they have a beautiful baby on the way. Be interested and show your love and support even if you’ll only speak to this person for a few minutes, or even once in your life time.

Order Abby’s book and join this discussion

Checkout my reflection from:

Chapter 1, ‘The Ultrasound’
Chapter 2, 'The Volunteer Fair'