Thursday, April 28, 2011

Anger, Justice, Sympathy and Repentance

As 30 Survivors came together to promote the right to life in the womb at San Diego’s Earth Fair on April 17, 2011, (Read about the event here and here) a young man, mid-to-late 20’s, became enraged by Survivors’ use of graphic images.  He kicked a hole through a sign that showed the remains of an aborted child.  The man was immediately pursued on foot by two Survivors and a San Diego police officer who saw the incident transpire.  The man was quickly detained by SDPD.

Now here is where the story took a unique turn:  I walked through the fair to where I found the young man sitting on the ground handcuffed next to a few police officers.  My heart was suddenly filled with grief for this young man when I saw him weeping true tears of sorrow.  Immediately I wondered if he was crying because he was arrested and scared or if there was more to the situation.  I approached Cheryl Conrad, Survivors’ Director of Operations, and she shared that the young man had apologized.  With tears in her eyes, Cheryl explained that after the young man apologized he shared that his wife had recently miscarried their child and the graphic image disturbed him. 

Survivors were so touched by this young man’s anguish for his lost child that we encouraged the police to let him go and only require he pay for the replacement of the sign he damaged.  Because a police officer saw the incident take place, SDPD explained that they had the obligation to arrest him in order to promote peace at the event.  

Over the last week the gentleman requested that the situation be settled out of court indicating that he would pay Survivors to replace the sign he damaged.  The police officer mediated the situation and the young man has since sent compensation for the sign to Survivors.  Yesterday Survivors received an email from the young man.  I would like to share part of this email with you:

“I recently lost my son when my wife caught ill in her eighth month of pregnancy. When I saw one of your vile signs it disturbed me so much that I kicked and broke it. I understand that you are trying to point out the repulsive outcome of an action and I did not have the right to destroy your property...
May God bless us and forgive our sins,
It takes a true man to apologize the way he did.  While Survivors will not put up with aggressive behavior or suppression of our right to free speech, we feel for this young man and are grateful for his sincere apology.  I and all of the Survivors pray for this young man and his wife  and we remember their baby son in heaven.  

Standing In Defence of the Voiceless,

Timmerie Millington

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Harmonizing Mother Earth & Baby in the Womb

Last week, for the 5th consecutive year, I  joined over 30 Survivors from all over southern California to stand for the sanctity of human life in the womb at Earth Fair in San Diego.  This fair is the largest environmental fair in the world, which takes place on the Sunday before Earth Day, on April 20th, where more than 50,000 attendees from all over come together to celebrate mother earth.  Groups stood to protect whales, walruses, and a variety of endangered species where they had their usual booths informing society of their causes.  Exotic hand made items, plants, and organic materials were sold; and in the middle of the mix Planned Parenthood had their usual pink booth set up where they “educated” about reproductive issues and counseled women.  

This year, Survivors returned with two booths: one booth was surrounded by the beautiful “Watch me Grow” fetal development signs with the theme “A Person’s a person, no matter how small.” from Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who.  The goal of this booth was to teach young children the beauty of life and of the developing child in the womb.  Children learned about life in the womb and participated in numerous arts and crafts, from beading to coloring in their own t-shirts with the outline of a pro-life cartoon.  
On the opposite side of the fair a “Life Booth” was set up with educational information about abortion and contraception, and the crowds were challenged to the reality of abortion with the use of graphic images.  

I find this is the perfect opportunity to use abortion images to challenge people with the reality that abortion is the destruction of human life.  We challenged them to see that abortion is not a lesser issue than the abuse of animals and nature.  To help Earth Fair attendees see the wrong of abortion, graphic images of an abused monkey with nails in its head were set next to an image of an aborted baby’s skeleton with fingers, legs, and toes.  There was a caption above the two pictures asking if abusing monkeys is wrong, why isn’t aborting a child wrong as well? While for some, seeing the graphic images was painful, for others the images of an abused monkey next to an aborted child was shocking because they never thought of it that way.  On lookers were challenged to consider, if abusing a monkey is wrong, look at the picture of a brutally aborted 12 week old child and say that the abortion of the the child is not wrong as well.  When faced with that truth people just stopped and stared.  Some cried and others were speechless.  This opened up a conversation on the issue where countless people either changed their position, or now have a position when it comes to abortion. 

Throughout the day our group encountered some struggles from those who did not agree with the pro-life message or who loathed being told abortion hurts women and children and would try to cover or stand in front of the signs exposing that truth.  At one point two Survivors were assaulted by a young man who proceeded to kick a hole through one of the graphic signs (the man was chased down and arrested by the San Diego Police Department).  I was proud of the two young men, about 16 years old, who instead of doting on the incident and becoming angered by the assault, stepped back into the crowd and continued to have peaceful conversations where they educated the crowds about about abortion and changed the hearts of many to stand with us in protecting the right to life.

Something that was very difficult for me throughout the day was the support Planned Parenthood received all day long.  At their booth there were at least 20 people waiting at any given time to talk to Planned Parenthood representatives or to write a message that was posted on a bulletin board saying why they support Planned Parenthood (see picture below).  It made me sad to see hundreds of people voicing their support of Planned Parenthood, and hundreds of people walking around with the bright pink “I support Planned Parenthood” button attached to their shirts.  Pro-lifers had to take a bold stance, hold their ground, and reach out to people while Planned Parenthood staff sat in their booth eating up the support.  What made me even more upset was that more than I saw women wearing the pink Planned Parenthood buttons, I saw men everywhere with these buttons.  It’s not only women who love Planned Parenthood.  Men love them too because they don’t have to be responsible for their actions as long as Planned Parenthood is there to abort their children.  I know it’s not just the man involved, but it breaks my heart when I recall some of the women whom I’ve counseled outside the clinic with the common response saying that their man didn’t want the child, he was making them have the abortion, or she was terrified to even tell him she was pregnant.

I found it ironic when some of the Earth Fair participants become angered over the pro-life message because they say “there are animals being abused” or “without abortion, more children will hurt the earth because it’s already over populated”.  My response: “If we cannot even respect ourselves and what lives within us, how can we respect animals, nature, or anything else for that matter?”  Some continued to fight without any thought of abortion as being wrong, and others stopped to listen.  Some people become angered at the horror that was shown on the signs, but as some in the group will say “If it’s hard to look at, that means it’s wrong.”  The abortion images were a true aid that drew people in and caused them to contemplate whether or not abortion is right.

One of the things I love most about the Earth Fair event is that it attracts people of every age, and there are many large groups of teens and young adults.  When I call out to my generation asking them what they think of the signs or about abortion they’re open to talking.  Throughout the day I spoke to at least 20 groups of 3-6 teens, and we had pleasant conversation sharing our thoughts on the issue.  When one or two in the group said they’re impartial or pro-abortion I asked them to look at the literature and signs in front of them and I taught about fetal development, abortion procedures, and how abortion damages both the mother and child.  99% of the time all in the group walk away with a 100% pro-life stance and sincerely thankful for the shared information.

Standing for the sanctity of human life in the womb was a success at Earth Fair, thousands of people were talked to and many hearts were changed.  Seeds were planted that made people think about the issue and recognize the importance of the issue on a global scale.  It was wonderful to be surrounded by many others who support life and who were’t afraid to talk to people who disagreed with them and share why life is so precious.

Happy Easter!

Standing In Defence of the Voiceless,

Timmerie Millington

Friday, April 15, 2011

Defeat, No Truth Has Been Told

Some may say that all the hard work to de-fund Planned Parenthood came to nothing when the Senate voted against the bill to strip Planned Parenthood of their $363 million in annual funding, but this isn’t the end of the fight.  I can tell you Planned Parenthood's victory email more than hurt, but this isn't over. For truth is on our side and we will continue to expose Planned Parenthood.

Although we could choose to sit back because the efforts of the last few months weren’t successful in de-funding Planned Parenthood, we must continue to stand for protecting the innocence of the unborn and the dignity of women.  Our phone calls, emails, articles, videos, social networking, and letters to the editors weren’t in vain for the truth has been told and millions of Americans who never cared what Planned Parenthood was up to now care and know that Planned Parenthood hurts women.  So I urge you to not let this defeat in the Senate and continued funding of Planned Parenthood bring you down or take you to the to the brink of giving up.  We must continue to stand for life and expose the truth.  If we don’t, who will?

In the many years I have been participating in the pro-life movement, I have never seen the pro-life movement so unified in the fight to end abortion, and de-funding Planned Parenthood is only one of the approaches to ending the devastation of abortion.  Continue to expose the truth of the hurt abortion brings to men, women, and children.  But most importantly remember that God is truth and with him all things are possible, therefore we must solidify our pro-life efforts with an abundance of prayer.

I encourage you to comment, sharing a story of how someone you know or heard of had their heart and mind changed by the recent exposure of Planned Parenthood.

Standing In Defence of the Voiceless,

Timmerie Millington

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

ALERT: Historic Vote To De-Fund Planned Parenthood

An historic vote will take place Thursday April 14, 2011.  The Senate will decide whether or not to de-fund Planned Parenthood of more than $363 million dollars in annual funding -- which is payed for with your tax dollars.  

Whether you are pro-abortion or pro-life we can all agree that our country is broke and we need to eliminate spending, so let’s not pay for birth control and abortion provided through this funding!

In a recent email sent out by Planned Parenthood they said, “Any elected official who votes for this extreme proposal is voting against access to lifesaving cancer screenings, HIV testing, and birth control.”  The truth of the matter is that there are many other organizations that we as a country could fund that perform  cancer screenings and HIV testing, but without exploiting women through human trafficking or rape.  A woman who wants to use birth control can pay for it herself -- we don’t need to pay for a woman’s birth control!

Urge your senators to not allow Congress to continue to fund the illegal activities of Planned Parenthood and to not buy into Planned Parenthood’s lies.  Women will continue to be loved and cared for even without the funding of Planned Parenthood.  Find you senators phone number here!

See some of the horrific things Planned Parenthood has done!  Stay informed and spread the word:

Illegal late term abortions
Donations Accepted to Perform Abortions on Black Babies
Gives False Medical Information--Rosa Acuna Project
Mona Lisa Project
Sex Trafficking
Protecting Pedophiles
Racist Agenda

Standing In Defence of the Voiceless,

Timmerie Millington

Friday, April 8, 2011

Unplanned Chapter 13, 'Inside Out'

In this chapter Abby Johnson took one last interview as a Planned Parenthood employee before she left the clinic.  While Abby no longer supported the Planned Parenthood ideology, just prior to leaving her position as clinic director, she had a scheduled radio interview discussing the “anti-choice extremists” who participate in 40 Days for Life.  Abby admits the lies used in the talking points to discuss the 40 Days for Life pro-life advocates, but to herself she reflected on how kind, gentle, and prayerful the sidewalk counselors and prayer warriors were who stood outside of her clinic.  

A point that is made in this chapter is that the Planned Parenthood talking points, used to train its volunteers and staff, are filled with rhetoric to make pro-life advocates sound violent, over the top, and inconsiderate.  Pro-abortion advocates do all they can to shape the thought of men, women, and teenagers to hate pro-life advocates.  All the while pro-lifer supporters offer choices in a time of crisis, pray for those involved in abortion, and tell women they care and will help them.  Many people are influenced by these talking points since abortion is a political norm and according to most media -- pro-life advocates are violent.  Planned Parenthood has used their talking points well and will continues to.  But I ask you: where does the truth lie?

Pro-life advocates stand on the side of truth and real life:
  • Most women suffer severe post abortion syndrome after abortion which include, depression, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, eating disorders, cutting, suicide, and difficulty in bonding with children born subsequent to the abortion procedure, among other symptoms.
  • Science confirms that life begins at conception, verifies the development of the child, and contradicts the Planned Parenthood fallacy that the unborn baby is only ‘a blob of tissue’.
  • Abortion is not good for women as is seen in the Abortion Breast Cancer (ABC) link.
But these aren’t the only truths.  Recent under cover investigations continue to show that Planned Parenthood aids sex trafficking, doesn’t report abuse of sexually abused minors, and avoids the legal system.  Yet, some in society and government still choose to look the other way and say that our tax dollars should fund abortion and Planned Parenthood even when our country is too broke to fund Planned Parenthood and their claims of providing health care for women, while simultaneously killing hundreds of thousands of young women in the womb every year.

The abusive pro-abortion rhetoric has injured the pro-life movement, yet they continue to vigilantly stand on the side of life.  When will we see truth be told and justice for the unborn?

Action Items
Be sure to contact Congress to de-fund Planned Parenthood.
Tell Congress NO tax dollars for abortion.

Standing In Defence of the Voiceless,

Timmerie Millington

P.S.  Tomorrow is my birthday and I’m raising money for a pro-life organization called Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust.  Please consider donating to my birthday wish, and doing so you will help Survivors in their life saving work.   

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Unplanned Chapter 12, 'A Holy Rush'

I found reading this chapter ironic because throughout the day I had a number of conversations triggered by Bryan Kemper’s recent blog discussing whether or not hearts can be changed to understand abortion as wrong without Christ being the center of this conversation.  

After participating in and watching an ultrasound guided abortion (see my reflection of ‘The Ultrasound), Abby Johnson came to the realization that abortion is the taking of a human life, and that the unborn child involved in the abortion procedure is a victim to what she had considered only a procedure for many years.  Even though what triggered Abby to recognize the horror of abortion wasn't her faith but the visual witness of an abortion, she immediately incorporated her faith into the idea of abortion being wrong.  At church she confessed her involvement in abortion and prayed for other’s eyes to be opened to the truth of what abortion is because she saw that pushing abortion on women was not caring for them.

Now for some time Abby had been struggling with the thought of abortion as being wrong/sinful while praying and while at church, but she justified her involvement as caring for women; or sometimes brushed the notion aside.  After realizing that Planned Parenthood was in the market of making money by providing abortions, she saw that pushing abortions on pregnant women wasn’t caring for others.  In contrast, Abby began to see true care for women in the kind support and peaceful demeanor of sidewalk counselors from Coalition for Life.  Abby saw love in the nun who on her knees prayed and wept for the lives lost to abortion.  This love is what our faith is.  As Christian’s we are taught to love our neighbor.  So what is the answer to whether or not hearts can be changed to understand abortion as wrong without Christ being the center of this conversation? While I believe that hearts can be changed based on science and facts alone, we should stand for life and walk in faith just by loving and caring for one another, and we can most certainly share that this love comes from Christ.  Many hearts can still be changed by science, but more than likely someone is there to lovingly help present or guide you to the understanding and respecting the dignity of human life.

Now whether we boldly say we are Christians and pro-life or just base our pro-life stance on science we must treat others with an abundance of charitable love.  One instance where I can tell you that love and faith are overflowing in pro-life work is outside of an abortion clinic in San Diego.  Every day that abortions are performed at the Family Planning Associates off of Miramar Road, Helpers of God’s Precious Infants counsel men, women, and teenagers to protect the innocence of the unborn child and they share their love for Christ.  They pray with these people that are seeking services at Family Planning Associates, and most of the people they counsel walk away with a smile and cradling a rosary in their hands.  Every week I receive reports of at least two women who walked away from an appointment to take their child’s life.  These sidewalk counselors see the woman walking into the abortion clinic as people just like them and they treat them lovingly, with dignity and respect, not like horrible people for considering an abortion.  

True faith is love of neighbor and above all this is what we must express in all of our pro-life work.  Abby’s mother, father,  and husband always surrounded her with love, and never called her a bad person for her involvement in abortion but challenged the wrong of abortion.  Don’t turn someone away because they disagree with you, but allow for them to feel comfortable coming to you when they know they’re wrong or want to know more. 

"Which is the first of all the commandments?" Jesus replied, "The first is this: 'Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is Lord alone! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these." Mark 12:28-31
Standing In Defence of the Voiceless,

Timmerie Millington

Monday, April 4, 2011

Unplanned Chapter 11, 'The Boardroom'

During this chapter the true roots of the pro-abortion movement are shown, not the mask of ‘a woman’s right to choose’ or concern for ‘women’s health’ which pro-abortion advocates claim as their mission.

During meetings regarding Planned Parenthood abortion clinic at the affiliate office, Abby Johnson and other clinic directors were told it was time to get revenue up since their Title XX funding was already used up for the year.  This eliminated discounted or even free birth control for lower income women.  Abby was appalled at the thought of women having to be pregnant with babies they couldn't afford.  Abby reflected on how different things became once revenue was the primary goal, versus providing services for women.

"Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race."
Planned Parenthood Founder, Margaret Sanger, Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. Page 12.

During a meeting to discuss Abby's clinic's budget goals she was told she had to significantly increase her abortion client intake.  You might ask why?  Because abortions aren’t cheap and any abortion provider brings in high dollar revenue from abortions; the average abortion in the first trimester costs $300.  This abortion quota contradicted the rhetoric that initially lured Abby Johnson to Planned Parenthood.  The original trap that Planned Parenthood of reducing abortion numbers no longer seemed a goal amongst the organization; their demand for abortions was vital to their budget.  Abby did not like the idea of generating revenue by providing abortions as the new goal at her clinic, and insisted that abortion would not take priority over serving women.

Abby wrote in Unplanned about how Planned Parenthood was born to help women in need, especially with issues concerning issues of birth control and abortion. But this isn’t the truth.  If you take a few minutes to look back at, the founder of Planned Parenthood founder, Magaret Sanger’s personal views, you will begin to understand the true evil behind the pro-abortion movement and how rhetoric over the years has masked this horrific mission. 

I strongly recommend you read a few of these many quotes from Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.

"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
Margaret Sanger's December 19, 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, 255 Adams Street, Milton, Massachusetts. Original source: Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, North Hampton, Massachusetts. Also described in Linda Gordon's Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America. New York: Grossman Publishers, 1976.

"Eugenic sterilization is an urgent need ... We must prevent multiplication of this bad stock."
Margaret Sanger, April 1933 Birth Control Review.

As an advocate of birth control I wish ... to point out that the unbalance between the birth rate of the 'unfit' and the 'fit,' admittedly the greatest present menace to civilization, can never be rectified by the inauguration of a cradle competition between these two classes. In this matter, the example of the inferior classes, the fertility of the feeble-minded, the mentally defective, the poverty-stricken classes, should not be held up for emulation....
On the contrary, the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective.
Margaret Sanger. "The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda." Birth Control Review, October 1921, page 5.

Watch Maafa 21 which sheds light on the founding of Planned Parenthood and their eugenics agenda.

Standing In Defence of the Voiceless,

Timmerie Millington