Monday, March 26, 2012

Religious Freedom Rally - Keep the Momentum

Friday March 23 at noon, thousands of people gathered at over 140 locations across the country for the Stand Up for Religious Freedom rallies in opposition to the HHS mandate. I took in the beautiful ocean view as we were about to start our rally in San Diego. Once the rally began, I delivered the invocation prayer and then shared how this threat on religious liberty will affect the future generations if we do not take action. A number of energetic and inspirational speakers, including our new coadjutor Bishop Flores, rallied over 2,000 attendees.

The Stand Up for Religious Liberty Rallies on March 23 was a day to gather the troops to educate and activate in the beginning of the fight to defend religious liberties and stop the Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate of free birth control, sterilization, and abortifacients. However, this is not all we can do. A rally builds morale, inspires, organizes, strengthens, and more. This is just the beginning of taking action against the attack on religious liberties. If we adapt to this mandate it will be a slippery slope for it will affect how we practice religion in the future. Which is why we will not adapt to this injustice. We will oppose it!.

Here is a brief sound bite of Dr. Jim Garlow of Skyline Church Rancho San Diego speaking at the San Diego rally:

This is the beginning of a time when WE will stand together, for the church is the conscience of the government, and the people of the Church make up the Church. We are the living body of Christ. Remember the words of Saint Ignatius, "Act as if everything depended on you; trust as if everything depended on God.” We will do this together!

Action Items:

For the Dignity of the Born and Unborn, 


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Missing Children - World Down Syndrome Day

We hear the numbers over and over again, 3,500+ children aborted every day in the United States, but because these children are aborted and never see the light of day, there is never a face associated with the little persons in the womb. Allow me to put a face on the children that should have been aborted due to doctor’s and society’s recommendations. These children have Down Syndrome and make up approximately 1 in 800 births.

The joyful faces of these children speak louder than words. The pictures alone touch your heart; yet, imagine being blessed with the opportunity to spend time with a child who has Down Syndrome. In an article published on Life News last month a mother shared her testimony about her baby girl Riley, who was born with Down Syndrome last year. The doctor advised Jennifer to abort, but she refused, and now Jennifer shares what a joy her Riley is and she calls Down Syndrome “Up” Syndrome:

Riley is now six months old and she is the happiest baby I have ever known. She has defied all the books and the people that said she would be “delayed”. My daughter is right on track. She does physical therapy, speech therapy and a little massage therapy throughout the week. (Her physical therapist is continuously amazed by her and can’t believe she has Down-Syndrome) Riley loves music, swinging in her swing and being talked to. But, she absolutely detests baths! She also has two awesome big sisters who take such good care of her. I couldn’t be a more proud mother.
So, if you are blessed to have been chosen to have a baby with “UP” Syndrome, or you know someone who has… SMILE! It’s the best thing that will ever happen to you. It’s a shame that our society and doctors are blind to this. Oh well, Riley will open their eyes!” Read More of Jennifer's Testimony

90% of the babies diagnosed with the possibility of having down syndrome are aborted. Please share this blog to help others see what gifts these children are, and to help spread the message that all life is meant to be treasured.

For the Dignity of the Born and Unborn,


Monday, March 19, 2012

Saint Joseph a Father

Below are pieces of a blog I wrote last year after Father’s Day where I reflected on Saint Joseph as a father in comparison to modern day fathers. As today we celebrate the life of Saint Joseph, the patron saint of families, I encourage you to read and share what a beautiful life Saint Joseph led and how we can imitate the love he showed for his family in our own lives.
Sunday I celebrated Fathers Day with my parents, siblings, cousins, and grandparents. We had a barbecue and spent the day outside with all the little cousins running around eating up the attention. Earlier that morning I sat in Mass and looked at the statue of Saint Joseph behind the choir and reflected on Saint Joseph as protector of the Holy Family (Virgin Mary and Jesus). Saint Joseph’s betrothed wife was pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit, and despite any doubt, or the embarrassment of Mary being thought of as unfaithful, Saint Joseph accepted his duty as the foster father of Jesus. Even through hard times, when the Holy Family had to flee to Egypt, Saint Joseph protected his family.

As I continued to think through this I thought of the many unborn children who were aborted because of the father’s apathy or his pressuring of the mother of his child to abort. There is a big social difference between today and the time of Jesus, and it broke my heart that morning to think of all the fathers who were not celebrating Father’s Day because of their apathy; an apathy that was not known to Saint Joseph. 
This has continued to be on my mind this week. . . While I was working on a "Call to Action" piece for young people to be involved in pro-life work, I asked a friend of mine what she would say to encourage others be be involved in pro-life ministry. Here is what she sent me: 
“I encourage men to stand up for the women in their life, and recognize that they are needed more than ever in these decisions. There are better choices and better options (than abortion), and the baby is theirs too. Men have a say in this choice. Many women would not have aborted their children if they knew they had the father’s support. I call upon men in society to be bold, and to stand up for life!” ~ Maddie Lopez Age 16 ~ 
Like me, Maddie is a young woman who has sidewalk counseled many times before, and we often see women at the abortion clinic who share that they are aborting because their boyfriend wasn’t excited or didn’t care when they said they were pregnant. Sometimes the boyfriend even insists on abortion.
Similar to Maddie, I encourage men to be protectors of their children both inside and outside of the womb. The child’s environment shouldn't be the influence that determines how your child will be cared for. Think again to the example of St. Joseph, he embraced the opportunity to be a father to the baby of a child that was not even his own. St. Joseph can be thought of as one of the greatest of men because he said, "yes", and in doing so raised the Greatest Man of all time, Jesus. I hope more men look to Saint Joseph as a role-model.

“O St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus Christ and true spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray for us and for the suffering and dying of this day/night.”

Happy Feast Day of Saint Joseph!

For the Dignity of the Born and Unborn,


Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Luck of the Irish

In light of Saint Patrick’s day, I would like to bring attention to a wonderful group of young people from Ireland that I met last year . . .

In 1992 a group of 7 college age students stood up against Ireland’s version of Roe v Wade, and they were successful. This group is called Youth Defence. They were made the leaders of the pro-life movement in Ireland by organizing events and creating awareness to fight to keep Ireland abortion free. 20 years later, Ireland is still abortion free! Because those 7 college students saw the truth of abortion and rejected apathy and rallied their country to stand for life people live today and families are not broken because of the destruction abortion brings emotionally and physically.

Commitment to the cause, strength in conviction, trust and motivation in God, and having courage to take necessary risks is what has kept abortion illegal in Ireland. This movement does not need a bunch of people; it needs a group of people to take a bunch of risks. All these risks are nothing when we consider what we are fighting for!

Abortion needs to not be illegal; it needs to be unthinkable and this week the Irish government once again rejected the legalization of abortion. Constant activism, outreach, and education are the keys that have helped keep Ireland abortion free to this day, and graphic images have been a huge part of conveying what abortion truly is to the people of Ireland.

When these courageous Irish advocates came to America last year for the International ProLife Youth Conference, one speaker broke my heart. Bernadette Smyth shared that she was terrified being in America because we kill babies here. She literally felt unsafe in the United States because the government and the people allow for the murdering of babies. I found this unbelievably profound.

While we currently face the biggest civil rights issue of our time in the United States (HHS Mandate), I see how millions of Americans are standing up and saying enough is enough! We will be educated and we will educate others, just like the Irish who reject abortion because they are taught the truth and see the truth.

Saint Patrick, we ask you to pray for our country, for the courageous people who speak truth, and for the apathetic to step out and do something.

“I cannot stand before God when I die, look Him in the eye, and say to Him that I was too busy to do this or it just wasn't my thing."

~ Ide Nic Mahthuna, Youth Defence ~

Happy Saint Patrick’s day!

For the Dignity of the Born and Unborn,


Friday, March 16, 2012

Religious Freedom Rallies

On March 23 at noon, in over 110 cities across America, ‘Stand Up for Religious Freedom’ rallies will be held to stop the Health and Human Services (HHS) Mandate which requires employers to provide free contraception, sterilization, and abortion inducing drugs. This mandate violates the conscience’s of millions of Americans and is a blatant attack on our constitutional right to religious liberty.

President Obama’s administration is confining the practice of faith to within the four walls of churches. You should not stand by idle while this is done. Too many people are silent and believe that people of faith are the minority, but this is not the truth. Apathy will do nothing and good men must say something!

Media and abortion advocates are attacking the Catholic church at its core. They have split us before on the abortion issue and we must not allow them to do it again. Our opponents are scared of the Catholic church. They should be because truth and love are on our side!

We must and will be united as one nation under God!

Please join your local religious freedom rally or host one of you own. More details can be found at

I will be giving the invocation speech at the San Diego ‘Stand Up for Religious Freedom’ rally. Details at San Diego for Religious Freedom.

For the Dignity of the Born and Unborn,


Thursday, March 8, 2012

International Women's Day - Values

Today is International Women's Day! I ask myself what that means exactly? On the news this morning it was spoken of as a day to recognize the empowerment of women as a fundamental human right. I completely agree! I see this day as a day to recognize the fundamental human right to life of women both born and unborn and how women today should have values along with their "empowerment".

Well, one woman who is quite popular today is Karen Santorum. Last night I watched a short interview of her by CBS news. I encourage you to look at this woman as a wonderful role model. She admits when she was younger she made mistakes, she has a fantastic education and career, she serves her family and husband first and foremost, she follows God's call for her family, and she is unquestionably pro-life.

Please watch this inspiring interview by CBS of Karen Santorum on International Women's Day:

Are we giving women in the womb a chance to live as well? Are women who live today standing for this fundamental right to life?

For the Dignity of the Born and Unborn,


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Catholic Radio San Diego - Truth Speaks

Hey Everyone,

Being back at John Paul the Great Catholic University has kept me very busy, and I can hardly believe the quarter is almost over. I'm getting back into the swing of things and blogs will be posted on a regular bases coming next week. 

Today I went to the launch of Immaculate Heart Radio's newest station in San Diego! We are so blessed to have 24/7 Catholic content available to us now in San Diego at AM 1000. I wanted to share with you briefly a few things that stood out about today's event. Since I should be studying here they are in bullet points:
  • What Father Dempsey said today at the launch is exactly why I started my blog for Catholic Youth:"Every human person is a mini radio -- an evangelist. To be evangelists we have to be informed." ~ Father Nicholas Dempsey, St. Therese of Carmel San Diego ~ 
  • How can you teach others if you are not properly informed? 
  • We have to be a present voice among the every day buzz. . . Start having conversations with your piers (this is where your biggest impact can be made if you do nothing else)! 
I'll be back soon! Please keep me in your prayers as I study and take my final exams. 

For the Dignity of the Born and Unborn,


Monday, March 5, 2012

Call for Santorum!

It’s crunch time for Team Santorum. We’re asking all members to make 20 calls by tonight. Will you help? Here’s the link:

Rick Santorum For President!

For the Dignity of the Born and Unborn,


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Help Rick Santorum for President

Hey Guys,

For those of you who don't already know, I 100% back Rick Santorum for president. I truly hope you will to. He is already winning and it's because people love him for his politics, character, and beliefs. Truly this man will be elected by the people, and you can make that happen. I ask you to please read the most recent email below from his campaign and support him in any way possible.

Praying and Working for Santorum for President!

For the Dignity of the Born and Unborn,


We tied Mitt Romney in Michigan last night! Forget about what the press is saying—you read that correctly. We tied Mitt Romney in his home state. But we’ve got to keep the momentum going. Will you help us?

Michigan awards their delegates by Congressional District. So while Romney narrowly won the statewide popular vote, we won the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th and 13th districts, and one more district, the 5th, is within a 100 votes and there might be a recount. Gov. Romney and I will each get one of Michigan's two at large delegates, giving us a split of 15-15.
Here's the bottom line: Mitt Romney and his SuperPAC outspent us by millions of dollars in his home state, and he couldn't come away with anything better than a tie in the delegate count. No matter what the press would have you believe this morning, we are now in for a long, important battle. But before I get to that, I just have to tell you, I thought a lot about my grandfather last night. 
He was an immigrant from Italy. He became a coal miner, and worked hard every day. To think that his grandson could run in the most important Presidential election in American history is absolutely inspiring! 
I thought of him a lot during the early days of this campaign when I was spending long nights crisscrossing Iowa to talk with voters, driving in my own car while other candidates were taking private jets. It's hard to be the underdog! Let me tell you, it's much more difficult to run a grassroots, shoe-leather campaign where you actually talk to voters, than to throw millions of dollars on TV.
But now, with 10 states voting in the next week, we need those millions. Will you help us? 
It has been humbling to see how this story has resonated with Americans across the country. The idea that hard work and dedication can pay off, no matter who you are or where you come from, well, that's the American dream isn't it? 
Our campaign proved again last night that Republican voters want a work horse to take on President Obama. They see that in our campaign. 
Now, we move on to Super Tuesday. In only 6 days, 10 states will vote. That means we have to raise a lot of money to compete with the millions Romney and his backers are dumping into this race. I hope you will add your $35 and help us fight back. 
I am putting together a campaign of regular Americans who understand that now is the time to save America. These are Americans with the courage to fight the liberal left – not with moderate mushiness, but with bold ideas. 
Will you join the millions of Americans who are rallying to our campaign and donate today?

We just tied Romney in Michigan, but we can't let up. Now is the time. Let's do what Americans always do when faced with an impossible challenge – we fight.
It won't be easy. But it's worth it.
For America, 
Senator Rick Santorum
P.S. We won an amazing victory last night in Mitt Romney's home state of Michigan. We can win this thing. But we need to raise more money for Super Tuesday to make it happen. Will you join us?