Friday, February 17, 2012

Religious Liberty - A Time to Stand

Nearly four years ago Barack Obama was elected president of the United States. I was 16 years old and on that day I wept because I knew President Obama was going to do things that would drastically challenge and change our society because he had neither regard for the children in the womb nor for religious liberties. I had just gotten out of a dance class and I was sitting in front of Target weeping because our country was about to hurt and I knew that I was one of many who would not be silent against the civil injustices of my lifetime. I wondered what we were about to face. . .

I’m nearly 20 years old now and over the last three years my fears have come true. The citizens of the United States have fought FOCA, abortion coverage in health-care, same sex marriage, and much more. Then, a few weeks ago President Obama’s administration mandated contraception, abortifacients, and sterilization under his new health care law. Not only does the mandate give these services on demand with no co-pay or out of pocket fee, but it requires employers to provide this insurance or be fined. It also requires employers to educate employees on the services.

Oh and have I mentioned the worse part yet?

Every employer, with only churches as the exception, must provide this morally unacceptable insurance or be fined. President Obama’s administration is allowing us to only practice our faith within the four walls of our church because otherwise this insurance policy is required for institutions such as Catholic Hospitals, schools, Catholic Charities... This is first and foremost a First Amendment religious liberty issue. Your rights have been violated, and this is just the beginning.

Yes, this is about abortion, contraception, and sterilization, but more so about President Obama’s administration’s power to overrule rights and religious freedoms. If they are able to put this mandate into action, they will be able to next add abortion to the list of available preventative services. This is an extremely slippery slope!

Yes, four years later, and we are facing the biggest civil rights issue since Roe vs Wade! I’m 20 years old and I just saw Jayne, my 20 year old best friend, and more than five other close friends be arrested for praying in front of the White House yesterday. They stood for what they believe in, they prayed to God for mercy on our country, they prayed for our religious liberties, and they were arrested on a public sidewalk.

In all honesty how much worse could it possibly get?

Mandated funding of contraception, abortifacients, and sterilization.

Religious liberties violated and ignored.

Men and woman arrested for praying on a public sidewalk.

I’m writing to you with tears and in shock. Jayne and I aren’t just little girls anymore praying hand and hand in front of an abortion clinic and sidewalk counseling women before their child’s life is taken. We are now praying and taking action against mandated funding of morally unacceptable services. We are fighting for our rights, while trying to fight for the rights of the precious children in the womb.

So I ask you. Will you stand together America?

A few nights ago, on a national conference call Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life said, “You do not adapt to an injustice. You oppose it!”. Father Pavone also talked about how this battle is not one that will be won over night, but will be an ongoing long term struggle. It will take months and it could take us into next year, but WE CAN NOT GIVE UP. They want us to be utterly overwhelmed; they want our tears to turn into apathy.
Cameron, Katie, Jayne, & I After a ProLife Event in 2007

We will not be silent! So here are some immediate steps of action:

  1. Review talking points and talk about this! Educate others!
  2. Contact Congress
  3. Pray Novena
  4. March 23 -- Stand Up for Religious Freedom Public Witness

Read more about yesterday’s arrests.

For the Dignity of the Born and Unborn,


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