Friday, August 5, 2011

Summer 2011 Update

Hey Guys,

I know it's been a few weeks since my last blog post and I'm very sorry to everyone who has been waiting for news about different events I've been involved with this summer. Here is a little update on what I've been up to the last month. I strongly encourage you to read all the way to the end because your help is needed.

July 6-16th I was blessed with the opportunity to help run Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust's 14th annual ProLife Training Camp. Over 60 young people from across the country were activated and educated to be involved in the fight for the innocent lives in the womb. I personally had the honor of training the new young pro-life activists on ‘Why ProLife: the Child’, social media activism, media interviews, how to write a press release, and videography and photography. You can read more about Survivors ProLife Training Camp at the blog I wrote for ProLife Secular News. Below is the ProLife Falsh Mob I choreographed during camp that was performed at Griffith Park in Hollywood and at Santa Monica Pier:

Since camp I have been on the go with pro-life events in southern California (checkout this blog about an event in San Diego last week) and helping run and chaperon church retreats for high school and middle school age youth. God has blessed me this summer with these opportunities to protect the innocent in the womb and bring youth closer to Christ.

As I've been catching up on emails this morning it has come to my attention that additional funds are needed to pay an outstanding balance from this year's first annual Walk for Life Youth Rally. For those of you who are not aware, this year I coordinated the Walk for Life Youth Rally for the Archdiocese of San Francisco. The rally was held immediately after the 50,000 person West Coast Walk for Life. With a large majority of young people at Walk for Life being between the age of 13 and 25, we saw this as an opportunity to convict young people to be more involved in the pro-life movement.

Walk for Life Youth Rally helped the youth understand different ways to be involved that suite their abilities. I will go into further detail within the next couple of days, but right now I ask you to please consider donating what you can, no matter the amount, to help pay the $5,000 balance of this year's Walk for Life Youth Rally that activated over 3,000 young people to the pro-life movement. Next year’s Walk for Life Youth Rally cannot and will not take place if we do not raise the necessary funds to pay the remaining balance of this year’s rally. Read more about the Walk for Life Youth Rally and watch EWTN's coverage of Walk for Life Youth Rally.

To donate:

Please make the check payable to: SF Archdiocese, Respect Life Program
For: Walk for Life Youth Rally

Mailing address is:

Respect Life Program, Archdiocese of San Francisco
One Peter Yorke Way
San Francisco‎ CA‎ 94109
United States

Standing In Defence of the Voiceless,

Timmerie Millington

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