Friday, December 31, 2010

Oppose “Feed The Flock” Pepsi and Doritos Commercial

Please take a few moments to sign this petition in opposition to the Super Bowl commercial called “Feed the Flock”. This video mocks the Catholic tradition of the paschal feast by dispersing Doritos and Pepsi in lieu of bread in wine which, during the sacrifice of the Mass, is transformed into the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Action must be taken immediately because Pepsi approves the winning Super Bowl commercials January 3rd.

Sign the Petition

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - First Annual Walk for Life Youth Rally January 22, 2011 After Walk for Life

Contact: Timmerie Millington
Tel. (909) 496-9812                                      For Immediate Release

Walk for Life Youth Rally at Fort Mason’s Festival Pavillion
Immediately Folowing Walk for Life West Coast
Featuring Master of Ceremonies Dr. Michael Barber, Ike Ndolo Band,
and guest speakers from Students for Life and 40 Days for Life.

San Francisco, California. December 20 - The realization that so many young people are deeply and inherently pro-life led the Archdiocese of San Francisco to organize a rally that would bring together the young people of Walk for Life in an arena where they can participate in praise and worship, and more importantly networking with one another as the future pro-life leadership.  Master of ceremonies Dr. Michael Barber will work with teens and young adults to find where they can be involved in the pro-life movement to donate their time and talents.  

Grand Sponsor: Knights of Columbus
Sponsor: Heroic Media

Immediately following Walk for Life
2:00 -- 3:00 p.m. Social Hour
3:00 -- 5:30 p.m. Youth Rally
January 22nd, 2011

Fort Mason Center, Festival Pavilion
Entrance at Marina Blvd. and Buchanan St.
San Francisco, CA 94123
**Adjacent to Marina Green where Walk for Life ends

Walk for Life Youth Rally calls all youth to live a life that affirms the right to life, join thousands of youth at the Walk for Life Youth Rally and answer your Call to Life.

For further information and to RSVP visit  Bus parking information can also be found on the website.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Abortion a Religion?

Read this article "Abortion and the Occult..." by Kathleen Gilbert. While this isn't the only reason abortions are performed this is the case in many places, these children are sacrifices.   Please pray for the people who are involved.

Let me know what you think.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Walk for Life Youth Rally

Walk for Life Youth Rally is only a month away!  I have been organizing this event for the last year, and I can hardly wait to see the outcome.   See the promotional video below, and for further information visit

Friday, December 10, 2010

A ProLife Christmas Carol

Sing hymns of Christmas at a local abortion clinic this holiday season. It’s not too late to host A Pro-Life Christmas Carol event in your home town. Each year while the world around us celebrates the many joys of the holiday season with Christmas music, parties, movies, decorations, and delicious treats, there are women who are faced with the option of choosing an abortion and end up sitting in an abortion clinic alone. A Pro Life Christmas Carol’s events take the holiday cheer and shares the coming of Christ with those who are sitting inside the abortion clinic.

With beautiful carols of the Child Jesus and Christmas season you can bring hope to women sitting inside of the abortion clinic. Collect the baby’s “firsts”, whether it be diapers, bottles, binkies, booties, etc and create a gift basket to present to women entering the abortion clinic. For women this basket is more than just the items inside, the basket is filled with the hope that someone cares and will support them through their pregnancy. In my experiences of presenting these baskets filled with items, women are surprised by the gesture and usually open themselves to discussion about their pregnancy and abortion decision.

Timmerie Counseling a Woman during Christmas Caroling Event

Women need love and support during their pregnancies, and even more so in the case of women experiencing a crisis pregnancy. Consider Caroling to save a life this holiday season.

Visit for a step by step guide on how to host your own event, and to find resources for bulletin inserts, invitations, and song books.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Profits from Popular Christmas Flowers are Paying for Abortions

Planned Parenthood is once again raking in the money from everyday people, even during the Christmas season. The festive poinsettia plants that are used to decorate churches and homes over the Christmas season are helping to fund Planned Parenthood.

Paul Ecke Ranch, the world's largest distributor of poinsettias, is a large benefactor of Planned Parenthood. For years Paul Ecke's family has been recognized as one of the largest abortion supporters in San Diego.

This Christmas season the Survivors ask you to please purchase your poinsettia plants with caution this year, by checking if the poinsettia came from Ecke's Ranch.

Friday, November 26, 2010

40 Days for Life Experience

This fall I had the opportunity to run the first fall 40 Days for Life campaign at Family Planning Associates (FPA) in San Diego off of Miramar Road, September 22 -- October 31. When a dear friend of mind first asked me to help out I said of course, and though it wouldn’t be too difficult. When the time came to sign our city up for the fall prayer vigil it was myself and one other gentleman. We signed up in mid July and from that day on my life has been blessed by running a 40 Days for Life campaign.

We had about two months until the campaign would kick off, so I started listening to the online trainings on how to run a 40 Days for Life campaign. About 40 hours later, once I had listened to all the trainings and mapped out my strategy, I began to panic. I didn’t know how on earth I was going to accomplish all that needed to be done. One of the biggest things emphasized in the online trainings was that all you have to do is say yes to God and let him work through you. With hundred of phone calls made, many emails written, and hours of prayer, things started to pickup off the ground. Before the campaign even started, it was incredible to see the feedback that was received from communities of San Diego county. We had our cast the vision meeting with local pro-life leaders to connect regarding activating churches and their local communities; I only expected about 10 people, and oh my was I surprise and excited when over 30 people showed up. Right away the meeting attendees shared ideas and contacts, and the very next day they were out at their churches and in their communities promoting our prayer vigil.

This was a very new concept to grasp for many people, 40 Days of praying and fasting outside the abortion clinic! It took some time for them to understand the need and importance of praying at the actual abortion center, but not once did a prayer warrior regret the time spent outside of the abortion clinic. This campaign activated hundreds of new members to the pro-life movement, and many others walked out of their homes for the first time and into the streets to proclaim the right to life in a public forum. At the kick of rally there were over 100 people present to celebrate the beginning of a 40 day long prayer and fast. No one knew what the outcome of the campaign would be, but all knew that they had the common belief that praying for an end to abortion was vital.

Over the 40 days many beautiful stories were shared and many people were touched by the campaign. Ten confirmed lives were saved, and ten families spared from the devastation that an abortion brings. More than 1,000 people participated in our campaign, between praying and fasting from home or in front of the abortion clinic. While we know that ten lives were spared there are many more we will never know about because they drove by the clinic instead of walking in, or they decided not to leave their home at all that morning for their scheduled abortion. Dot Harms, Executive Director of Culture of Life Family Services in San Diego shared with us that at least one crisis pregnancy came to their office every day during the 40 Days for Life campaign, and that was a significantly higer than normal number of women seeking pregnancy counseling.

At our closing celebration for the two San Diego county campaigns we were joined by Shawn Carney, Co-Founder of 40 Days for Life along with many other pro-life leaders from the San Diego area. Never before have I seen such joyous people. We came together to celebrate a campaign that not only saved 12 lives and impacted the abortion clinics in our area, but to celebrate the changes that took place in our own lives and the transformation our churches and communities went through. San Diego came together in solidarity to pray and fast for an end to abortion; it made a difference and saved lives. If you have the opportunity to participate in the next 40 Days for Life campaign I strongly encourage you to do so. The innocent need your prayers and sacrifices.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Life Saving Work of Pregnancy Counseling Centers is Under Attack

Whether you are pro-life or pro-choice we must all stand for the constitutional rights of pregnancy counseling center. Pro-choice organizations are attempting to close pregnancy counseling centers across the country. While we may not agree on the issue of abortion, the help which pregnancy counseling centers bring to women during their pregnancy significantly reduces the number of women who struggle with whether or not to have an abortion.

Please take action today and sign this petition. Pray for all those involved in defending the rights of pregnancy counseling centers.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Christian Persecution in Iraq, 134 Lives Lost

Sunday October 31, Catholics were celebrating mass at Our Lady of Salvation church in Iraq when al-Qaida gunmen stormed into the church and held the congregation hostage for four hours. 58 men, women, and children were murdered and 75 were severely wounded. Abdullah Hadad shared that she and her family were in mass when the shooting began, "We stood beside the wall and they started shooting at the young people. I asked them to kill me and let my grandson live, but they shot him dead and they shot me in the back.

Some al-Qaida gunmen claimed they were defending themselves against the the plan by United States pastor, Terry Jones who had planned to burn the Qur'an on the anniversary of 9/11, but did not follow through with his plans due to opposition.

Sunday evening, Raghada al-Wafi walked to mass bringing joyful news of her pregnancy to her priest who had just married her a month before. Raghada and her priest were killed just minutes after her unborn child in the womb was blessed by her priest. On Tuesday hundreds of Iraqi Christians attended a funeral service to morn the 58 lives that were lost during Sunday’s siege; while many families were morning their dead mortar and fire bombs hit some of the neighborhoods in Baghdad near by, with 13 confirmed attacks. These second set of attacks caused the death of 76 people, and over 200 were wounded.

"We were just standing on the street when we heard a loud noise, and then saw smoke and pieces of cars, falling from the sky," said Hussein al-Saiedi. While the source of these attacks are not confirmed, information does lead to al-Quaida involvement.

Please pray for the men, women, and children who were persecuted for their faith. Pray for protection of the Iraqi people. We are called to morn our Christians brothers and sisters who have died from these attacks.

Cross on the ground of the church

Encourage our United States government to help protect the Christians who are being persecuted for their Christian faith in Iraq, contact your United States Representative today.

Send a Letter to Congress and President Obama!

View more photos

Monday, November 1, 2010

Feminist Principles that Affirm the Right to Life

Planned Parenthood has a petition called “ONE MILLION VOICES FOR NO-COST BIRTH CONTROL “ which is seeking one million signatures to give birth control to all women at no cost. National Organization for Women (NOW) is heavily pushing for feminist pro-choice candidates in next weeks election. NOW has activated thousands of volunteers across the country to stand for feminist candidates with principles that deny the unborn child in the womb equality or even opportunity. As we grow closer to this coming election it becomes ever more important that we stand for principles that respect and protect every human life. Pro-choice feminists are scared because they know that this election will be a huge turning point, and are using every possible emotional tug they can think of to activate their supporters who will vote, make phone calls, and be a public voice for their “feminist principals”. Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America wrote in a recent email, “Birth control matters. It matters to the young woman finishing college or starting a career. It matters to the family struggling to make ends meet. It matters to the woman suffering from endometriosis. It matters to mothers and fathers who treasure the children they have.” Four reasons for why birth control “matters” are listed by Cecile, but can you tell me how “birth control matters”, to the woman who can no longer have children DUE to her use of birth control and abortifacients? The reality is that most forms of birth control have long term detrimental affects on women’s reproductive health care. And while many women may view themselves as “safe” because of their use of birth control, women are exposing themselves to a whole host of communicable diseases that at best can be controlled using antibiotics, and at worst cause infertility and even death. As Christians we are called to live a life that affirms a culture of Life, but today we have been sucked into a society that affirms a culture of death, where all that matters is what makes us feel good. It is time for a change in the tide, where all women are treated equally, but I have yet to see pre-born women in the womb treated with the exact equality that the pro-choice feminist demands. This equality is denied to the pre-born because society chooses themselves over others, and until we deny ourselves and serve others we will continue to see pro-choice candidates in office who will take this country to a point that is increasingly difficult to correct. If you are a feminist or another person who is figuring out how to vote, please continue to stand for a culture of life that mimics the life of Christ. Don’t cause future generations to have to fight the battle of abortion and contraception, let’s work and vote to end the Culture of Death now! Be a public voice that affirms Life Principles.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Important Information on Voting for CA Governor

From: Sue Lopez Date: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 12:46 AM Dear pro-life friends, The election of our next governor may be up to you. Either Jerry Brown or Meg Whitman will be elected. No other candidate will be elected, regardless of whether or not you vote. Meg Whitman is pro-choice, but supports some limitations on abortion. However, the real issue here is Jerry Brown, and his uncompromising position on abortion. Here are 10 reasons why we don’t want him to be the next governor of California. 1. Jerry Brown is endorsed by Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California Inc. They have given him a 100% pro-choice rating 2. He supports funding for family planning services (Planned Parenthood voter guide) 3. He opposes restrictions on funding for family planning services (Planned Parenthood voter guide) 4. He believes that "reproductive health care" services is an essential part of health care services, and should be included in health care reform (Planned Parenthood voter guide) 5. He supports comprehensive sex education in schools (Planned Parenthood voter guide) 6. He opposes bans on late term abortions (Planned Parenthood voter guide) 7. He opposes legislative or judicial restrictions that impede or delay access to abortion, such as mandatory reflection periods or counseling (Planned Parenthood voter guide) 8. He opposes parental notification laws (Planned Parenthood voter guide) 9. He supports embryonic stem cell research 10. He supports gay marriage. He refused to defend Proposition 8 as Attorney General. He is endorsed by Equality America ( LGBT) on his website There is only one way to prevent Jerry Brown from becoming the next governor, and that is by voting for the only viable candidate who has a chance to beat him, and that is Meg Whitman. Nothing else you can do will keep him out of office. This is not a glowing endorsement of Meg Whitman, it’s just a fact. Below is what Planned Parenthood says about Meg Whitman in their voter guide: “Ms. Whitman’s limited support for access to abortion, clear opposition to healthcare reform, and uncertain commitment to state-funded family planning programs compels PPAC to oppose Ms. Whitman’s candidacy for governor of California.” MEG ON ABORTION “I am pro-choice. Personally, I don’t want to take the choice away from women and their doctors. The U.S. Supreme Court has fully established a woman’s right to choose. I do however support reducing the number of abortions in America and believe there are limits that can be put in place to achieve this objective. I believe for minors parental consent should be required.” -The above is a direct quote from Meg Whitman’s website. Regarding not voting for any viable candidate, please read Paragraphs 42 and 43 from Archbishop Raymond Burke below. Below are excerpts from two documents that state that it is morally acceptable to vote for a candidate who supports abortion, over another, more unsuitable candidate, in order to limit the circumstances when a procured abortion would be considered legal. In other words, it is acceptable to vote for a candidate that will do less harm. The first excerpt (8. Distinguish "choosing evil" from "limiting evil." is from Father Frank Pavone’s "10 easy steps to voting with a clear conscience". The document can be viewed in its entirety at: The second excerpt farther below is from a 2004 pastoral letter on voting from Archbishop Raymond Burke. The document can be viewed in its entirety at: 8. Distinguish “choosing evil” from “limiting evil.” What happens if two opposing candidates both support abortion? First of all, refrain from putting any labels or endorsements on anyone. Don't call them anything. Or, if you prefer, call them both pro-abortion. Then just ask a simple question: Which of the two candidates will do less harm to unborn children if elected? For example, is either of the candidates willing at least to ban partial-birth abortion? Is either of them willing to put up some roadblocks to free and easy abortion? Will either support parental notification, or parental consent, or waiting periods? Has either of them expressed a desire to ban late-term abortion, or to support pregnancy assistance centers? How about stricter regulation of abortion facilities? Has either candidate expressed support for that idea? Nobody is saying that's the final goal. But ask these questions just to see whether you can see any benefit of one of the candidates above the other. One of the two of them will be elected; there is no question about that. So you are not free right now, in this race, to really choose the candidate you want. Forces beyond your control have already limited your choices. Whichever way the election goes, the one elected will not have the position we want elected officials to have on abortion. In this case, it is morally acceptable to vote for the candidate who will do less harm. This is not "choosing the lesser of two evils." We may never choose evil. But in the case described above, you would not be choosing evil. Why? Because in choosing to limit an evil, you are choosing a good. You oppose the evil of abortion, in every circumstance, no matter what. You know that no law can legitimize even a single abortion, ever. If the candidate thinks some abortion is OK, you don't agree. But by your vote, you can keep the worse person out. And trying to do that is not only legitimate, but good. Some may think it's not the best strategy. But if your question is whether it is morally permissible to vote for the better of two bad candidates, the answer -- in the case described above -- is yes. Cardinal John O’Connor, in a special booklet on abortion, once wrote about this problem, “Suppose all candidates support ‘abortion rights’? … One could try to determine whether the position of one candidate is less supportive of abortion than that of another. Other things being equal, one might then morally vote for a less supportive position. If all candidates support "abortion rights" equally, one might vote for the candidate who seems best in regard to other issues” (1990, “Abortion: Questions and Answers”). In this context, the question also arises as to whether one is required to vote for a third candidate who does not have a strong base of support but does have the right position. The answer is, no, you are not required to vote for this candidate. The reason is that your vote is not a canonization of a candidate. It is a transfer of power. You have to look concretely at where the power is really going to be transferred, and use your vote not to make a statement but to help bring about the most acceptable results under the circumstances. Of course, our conscience may be telling us, “Don’t say it’s impossible to elect the candidate who doesn’t have a strong base of support.” Of course, it is possible to elect almost anyone if the necessary work is done within the necessary time. God doesn’t ask us to base our choices on “the possibility of miracles,” but rather on solid human reason. The point is that if there’s a relatively unknown but excellent candidate, the time to begin building up support for that person’s candidacy is several years before the election, not several months. What you have to ask as Election Day draws near is whether your vote is needed to keep the worse candidate (of the two, less acceptable but more realistic choices) out of office. ******************************************************************************** The Most Reverend Raymond L. Burke Archbishop of St. Louis October 1, 2004 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Introduction… 35. If one candidate alone upholds the moral law in its integrity, then the decision to vote for him or her is clear. But, what does a Catholic do, if no candidate upholds the moral law in its integrity, that is, if all candidates hold some position which is in opposition to the moral law, as is so often the case in today’s society? When all candidates for a particular office fail, in some regard, to support the moral law and thus foster the common good in its entirety, some Catholics simply decide not to vote at all. The decision not to vote at all, however, fails to take responsibility for any advancement of the common good, even if limited by some false positions taken by a candidate. 38. The Church, however, also recognizes that it is sometimes impossible to avoid all cooperation with evil, as may well be true in selecting a candidate for public office. In certain circumstances, it is morally permissible for a Catholic to vote for a candidate who supports some immoral practices while opposing other immoral practices. Catholic moral teaching refers to actions of this sort as material cooperation, which is morally permissible when certain conditions are met. With respect to the question of voting, these conditions include the following: 1) there is no viable candidate who supports the moral law in its full integrity; 2) the voter opposes the immoral practices espoused by the candidate, and votes for the candidate only because of his or her promotion of morally good practices; and 3) the voter avoids giving scandal by telling anyone, who may know for whom he or she has voted, that he or she did so to advance the morally good practices the candidate supports, while remaining opposed to the immoral practices the candidate endorses and promotes. 41. A CATHOLIC MAY VOTE for a candidate who, while he supports an evil action, also supports the limitation of the evil involved, if there is no better candidate. For example, a candidate may support procured abortion in a limited number of cases but be opposed to it otherwise. In such a case, the Catholic who recognizes the immorality of all procured abortions may rightly vote for this candidate over another, more unsuitable candidate in an effort to limit the circumstances in which procured abortions would be considered legal. Here the intention of the Catholic voter, unable to find a viable candidate who would stop the evil of procured abortion by making it illegal, is to reduce the number of abortions by limiting the circumstances in which it is legal. This is not a question of choosing the lesser evil, but of limiting all the evil one is able to limit at the time. 42. In Evangelium vitae, our Holy Father provides an example regarding the voting of a Catholic legislator, which may be helpful, by analogy, in understanding the action of a Catholic voter. He writes about the legislator who votes for legislation which limits the moral evil of procured abortion, even though it does not eliminate it totally. The Holy Father observes: [W]hen it is not possible to overturn or completely abrogate a pro-abortion law, an elected official, whose absolute personal opposition to procured abortion was well known, could licitly support proposals aimed at limiting the harm done by such a law and at lessening its negative consequences at the level of general opinion and public morality. This does not in fact represent an illicit cooperation with an unjust law, but rather a legitimate and proper attempt to limit its evil aspects (Evangelium vitae, n. 73c). Thus, a Catholic who is clear in his or her opposition to the moral evil of procured abortion could vote for a candidate who supports the limitation of the legality of procured abortion, even though the candidate does not oppose all use of procured abortion, if the other candidate(s) do not support the limitation of the evil of procured abortion. Of course, the end in view for the Catholic must always be the total conformity of the civil law with the moral law, that is, ultimately the total elimination of the evil of procured abortion. 43. In such cases, would it be better not to vote at all? While I respect very much the sentiments of those who are so discouraged with the failure of our public leaders to promote the common good that they have decided not to vote at all, I must point out that the Catholic who chooses not to vote at all, when there is a viable candidate who will advance the common good, although not perfectly, fails to fulfill his or her moral duty, at least, in the limitation of a grave evil in society. 44. Clearly, the moral questions surrounding voting are complex for Catholics, especially in our totally secularized society. The teaching of the Church regarding our civic responsibility for the common good must be our guide in making prudent decisions. Only by prayer and good counsel will a Catholic voter be able to make a prudent decision regarding what best serves the common good. Conclusion 45. GOD OUR FATHER, through the inner voice of our conscience, asks us each day about our brothers and sisters whose lives are being taken through abortion, embryonic stem-cell research and euthanasia. Through our conscience, he asks us, too, about our protection of the sanctity of marriage and the family, in accord with His divine law. We are our “brother’s keeper.” Our vocation and mission in life, a true share in the vocation and mission of Christ our Savior, is to love our neighbor without boundaries. In our democratic republic, one of the important ways in which we fulfill our civic responsibility for the common good is by electing government leaders who respect and uphold the moral law. I hope I have provided you with enough information to help in a most difficult voting decision - Roger

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Immigration Issue: Love the Sinner Not the Sin

As Christians we are called to respect every life with dignity, and are never to devalue a person because of the color of their skin or where they come from. Through a conversation with a friend the other day I learned that a mutual acquaintance of ours, who is Catholic, has a very strong stance against illegal immigrants that does not respect the fellow human being. The fact that a fellow Catholic does not treat all with respect saddens me. Remember that no matter where someone comes from does not mean that they should be treated without respect. It is common for Christians who struggle with the issue of illegal immigration to go so far as to say that any child born from a parent who is an illegal immigrant should be shipped back to Mexico as well. Now remember, legally if you were born here you are a citizen no matter who your parents are. While I agree that illegal immigration is wrong, this does not mean we should discriminate against all Mexicans because they -- could be -- an illegal immigrant. To judge anyone as an illegal immigrant does not treat a fellow human being with the respect they deserve, and devalues your expectations of a person. There are many Mexicans who have come to the United States Legally and have been here for generations. We should hold all at higher standards than that, and not be so quick to assume another in society is an illegal immigrant. Up until just over 100 years ago immigration was still allowed and strongly welcomed. Our beautiful land was founded and recognized as the land of the free and millions of people migrated here from Europe and many other countries. While today laws have changed, we should still not discriminate against another in our society because immigration is still welcomed; however, there is a limited number allowed to migrate each year. As a Christian always be prudent not to assume anyone is an illegal immigrant, and never devalue any ethnic group because there are illegal immigrants within them. Love the sinner not the sin. I am pro-immigration, not pro-illegal immigration. But no matter this stance as a Catholic I am called to treat my brothers and sisters in Christ with the utmost respect.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Use Social Networking to Promote a Culture of Life

Social Networking: Facebook Myspace Twitter Etc… The websites you use on a daily basis can be used as tools to promote the pro-life message. All it takes is you posting an article or a video a couple times a week that has to do with the issue of abortion. Many people take the stance of pro-life but it is easy to fall into not caring or into the grasp of the other side. Pro-abortion advocates are heavily promoting a culture of death in our every day lives and they have the liberal media on their side. It’s easy to believe one thing when it’s the generally accepted opinion, and that is what abortion is. When you’re a voice for the voiceless and for an issue as controversial as abortion, you inspire others by your bold witness to the devastation of abortion. Be your friend’s reminder that abortion is wrong, and be willing to talk with those who may believe otherwise. Remember always respond verses react, and if you don’t know the answer let them know you will get back to them, and take the time to research the question.