Thursday, September 29, 2011

Take Action Today to Stop the Birth Control Mandate

Friday September 30 is the last day to submit comments to Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding the Birth Control Mandate they set into place in August. This mandate will cover birth control, surgical sterilization, and abortifacients in all private heathcare plans.

Under this mandate taxpayers will fund Birth Control, Abortifacients (a drug or agent that causes abortion), and surgical sterilization? While you’ll be providing these free services for millions of Americana's to take advantage of at any time, women will not have to pay a dime to be sterilized, chemically abort their children, or access birth control.

Despite religious or moral beliefs you’re paying for it, and patients do not even have a co-pay for these services. (Read my article about the irony of this situation).

Here are a few things you should know which the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment (NCHLA) pointed out in their recent action alert:
  • The statement that these services “do not include abortifacient drugs” is misleading. The FDA-approved "emergency contraception" (EC) drugs covered by this mandate can work by interfering with implantation. Also, the drug the FDA most recently approved for EC, "Ella,” a close analogue to the abortion drug RU-486, has been shown in animal tests to cause abortion. Thus, the mandate includes drugs that may cause an abortion both before and after implantation. 
  • A religious exemption to the mandate is not only extremely narrow but unprecedented in federal law. Plans offered by a great many religious organizations, including Catholic colleges and universities as well as hospitals and charitable institutions that serve the general public, would be ineligible under the exemption. Individuals and health insurance companies do not qualify at all. 

Please defend the consciences of millions of Americans who do not support the tax payer funding of abortifacients, contraception, and sterilization. (Learn a little about the Catholic Church’s position on these issues) This will only take a few minutes:

  1. Sign the petition to President Obama’s Administration and Secretary Sebelius to stop the birth control mandate.
  2. Health and Human Services is accepting comments on the issue at hand. Please send an email through NCHLA’s action center in opposition to this mandate.
  3. Post the link to this article: on FacebookTwitter, and other social networking sites so that others can take action as well. 
For the Dignity of the born and unborn,

Timmerie Millington

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Congressional investigation of Planned Parenthood: What to expect

[Editor's note: Today's post is by Jill Stanek. It originally appeared on her blog and is reposted with permission.]

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Yesterday came the welcome news that a congressional committee has launched an investigation of Planned Parenthood.

Republican Congressman Cliff Stearns (pictured right), Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations (under the Energy & Commerce Committee), had been threatening a probe for months, particularly after Americans United for Life released a damning report in July documenting decades of malfeasance by the United States’ largest abortion provider.

Stearns followed through and on September 15  issued a letter to Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards requesting 12 years’ worth of financial records, state audits, and policies from both Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its 83 affiliates, to be handed over “within two weeks of the date of this letter,” or by tomorrow, September 29.

According to the letter, Stearns’ committee will investigate improper billing and overbilling by PP affiliates to the government; comingling of government funds intended for Titles X and XIX with PP’s abortion operations, which would be illegal; and PP’s policies and procedures for reporting sex abuse and trafficking to authorities.

AUL’s report documented that PP affiliates have indeed been caught overbilling, failing to report minor sex abuse, and failing to comply with parental involvement laws, to name just three infractions of many.
PP got its PR ducks in a row before announcing news of the investigation, obviously alerting Washington Post pro-abort go-to reporter Sarah Kliff and readying Democrat pro-abort Congressman Henry Waxman’s protest letter for simultaneous release with its own press statement. Note the timing…

I spoke with Charmaine Yoest, president of AUL, and asked what to expect next. She said PP could take one of four actions: 1) provide only undamaging, incomplete information; 2) provide massive amounts of material that would take years to wade through and hope no one finds any ugly details; 3) stonewall – ask for more time; 4) provide accurate information.

#3, stonewalling appears unlikely, because it would make the organization look like it has something to hide. In fact PP wrote in its statement it “is responding to the request in a timely manner.”

#2, providing TMI, would also seem unlikely, because even if handing over needles in a haystack to the government, PP would still be handing them over.

#1 or #2 are most likely. Planned Parenthood is legally obligated to respond to Stearns’ subpoenas.

Then what?

Stearns’ staff will investigate PP’s paperwork and issue a public report. They can put all of PP’s submitted information in the report, making it public. If they find a smoking gun or guns, they can follow up with hearings.

Examining subpoenaed documents is precisely how Solyndra was exposed – by this same committee. From ABC News, September 13:
The emails were uncovered by investigators for the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which will hold hearings on the Solyndra loan Wednesday. The Republican-led House has been investigating the Obama administration’s green energy loan program for months…. Last week, the FBI raided the factory….
Finding damaging information PP’s top-notch attorneys may attempt to hide will depend on how good Stearns’ staff is.  I asked Charmaine if Stearns can ask outside organizations that are PP-savvy to examine PP’s documents, such as AUL or American Life League’s STOPP. She said it is totally legal and acceptable for a congressional committee to request investigatory help from outside experts.

I hope Congressman Stearns does so. I think he will. He was brave going into this, knowing the other side would malign him with both barrels. I expect he will want to do all he can to find as much evidence as possible of PP’s wrong-doing.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Are you ready to pray for an end to abortion?

We are quickly approaching the beginning of the upcoming national 40 Days for Life campaign. Wednesday September 28th, marks the beginning of a 40 day period where over 301 abortion clinics will be surrounded by prayer for an end to abortion. California, Washington, Canada, England, Spain, Australia, Argentina, Germany, and hundreds of cities will hold prayer vigils that rely on the prayers and actions of the local communities. I share this with you because 40 Days for Life needs you to pray for an end to abortion outside of an abortion clinic near you. Click here to find a find a location near you to be involved in.

I would like to share with you a little bit about my experience of participating in a 40 Days for Life campaign . . . This time last year I was the campaign coordinator for the first time 40 Days for Life Campaign at a Family Planning Associates in San Diego.

Over the 40 days many beautiful stories were shared and many people were touched by the campaign. Twelve confirmed lives were saved, and ten families spared from the devastation that an abortion brings. More than 1,000 people participated in our campaign, between praying and fasting from home or in front of the abortion clinic. While we know that twelve lives were spared there are many more we will never know about because they drove by the clinic instead of walking in, or they decided not to leave their home at all that morning for their scheduled abortion. Dot Harms, Executive Director of Culture of Life Family Services in San Diego shared with us that at least one crisis pregnancy came to their office every day during the 40 Days for Life campaign, and that was a significantly higher than normal number of women seeking pregnancy counseling.

San Diego came together in solidarity to pray and fast for an end to abortion; it made a difference and saved lives. If you have the opportunity to participate in the next 40 Days for Life campaign I strongly encourage you to do so. The innocent need your prayers and sacrifices.

Learn more at

For the Dignity of the born and unborn,

Timmerie Millington


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Walk for Life Youth Rally - 2012

Dear Friends for Life,

This year's Walk for Life Youth Rally called on young people to be active advocates for life in the public arena. We provided different ways one could be involved in defending the sanctity of human life because we know one size doesn't fit all. Thanks to your support and participation, Walk for Life Youth Rally was a huge success. Now, in order to do this again we need your help . . .

Earlier this year over 3,000 high-school and college age youth participated in the first annual Walk for Life Youth Rally. Millions of people across the world heard the message of Walk for Life and Walk for Life Youth Rally on national television days later when EWTN's Life on the Rock aired an hour long segment covering the two events.
"Am I really alone in thinking abortion is wrong? Walk for Life Youth Rally helped me be confident in my pro-life beliefs because thousands of other young people from high school to college age were there to learn how they can better stand for life in their own way. Not only did we learn how to be pro-life on a daily basis, we participated in praise in worship giving honor to our creator. In addition we were reminded by speaker Dr. Michael Barber that in order to protect life we must remember this is God's work." Michael Padilla, Age 19 San Jose, CA

Now, in order for Walk for Life Youth Rally to happen again we need an additional $12,000 in order to have our event in the prime location of Fort Mason adjascent to Marina Green, where Walk for Life ends. Can you support this event by donating? Whether your donation is $5 or $1,000 every bit counts and we could use every penny!

By donating you will help bring the next generation of pro-life advocates to the forefront of the pro-life movement where they will stand to protect innocent children in the womb and show that woman deserve better than abortion.

To donate:

Please make the check payable to: SF Archdiocese, Respect Life Program
For: Walk for Life Youth Rally

Mailing address is:

Respect Life Program, Archdiocese of San Francisco
One Peter Yorke Way
San Francisco‎ CA‎ 94109
United States

Even if you can't support us financially I ask you to please pray daily for an end to abortion and for Walk for Life Youth Rally.

Standing in Defence of the Voiceless,

Timmerie Millington
Event Coordinator
Walk for Life Youth Rally

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Irony of the Birth Control Mandate -- Take Action

I was sitting in urgent care earlier today and I couldn't get over the fact that the woman in front of me was 19 weeks pregnant and had to pay a $15 co-pay in order to see a doctor after she fell, couldn't walk, and was having severe back and stomach pain. While in contrast, August 1st Health and Human Services (HHS) mandated that private health plans will cover "preventative services": contraceptives, sterilization, and abortifacients with NO co-pay or out of pocket expenses for these services.

Now, I see nothing wrong with co-pays. But I find it ridiculous that a woman wouldn't have to pay a dime to be sterilized, chemically abort her child, or prevent her body from naturally beginning human life while a woman who is pregnant, and severely hurt, has to pay to even get in the door at urgent care.

Don't let your tax dollars pay for this birth control mandate. Defend the consciences of millions of Americans who do not want to pay for birth control with their tax dollars. Take three quick and easy actions:

  1. Sign the petition to President Obama’s Administration and Secretary Sebelius to stop the birth control mandate.
  2. Health and Human Services is accepting comments on the issue at hand. Please send an email through NCHLA’s action center in opposition to this mandate.
  3. Post the link to this article: on FacebookTwitter, and other social networking sites so that others can take action as well. 
Learn more about the birth control mandate my blog: 

'Action Alert: Stop the Birth Control Mandate'

For the Dignity of the born and unborn,

Timmerie Millington

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Trains, Plains, and Asian Wombs for Rent?

This is a wonderful guest post by Louisa Millington . . .

While at the gym last week, it came to my attention that I had let June almost completely run its course without paying tribute to National Fertility Awareness Month. I was shaken out of my blissful ignorance when I came across an episode of The View. In observance of National Fertility Awareness Month, the ladies of The View were dedicating an hour to Surrogacy. As I watched, and peddled, a question began to develop: If the surrogate decides to abort, is it still her body, her choice? As the question continued to brew in my head over the next few days, I happened upon a second occasion to consider the issue of surrogacy while sitting at a book store killing time, waiting for my daughter’s flight to arrive. While I sat quietly reading, a pregnant Asian woman sat next to me, and within the course of thirty minutes she was joined by five other pregnant women. I must admit my curiosity got the better of me, and I began to make conversation. The woman next to me told me she, and the group of women with her, were all from China. Now having just seen the surrogacy episode of The View, and then finding myself in the company of six pregnant women from China, it got me thinking. My mind very quickly jumped to the thought that these women could be part of the Chinese “wombs for rent” industry. While these two surrogacy experiences open up a whole range of questions, I did get the sense that I was being called to explore some of those questions.

I’ll start with my first question: If a surrogate decides to abort, is it still her body, her choice? The quick answer is, yes. If you are unfamiliar with surrogacy, it is fairly simple. There are two basic types of surrogacy, traditional and gestational. Traditional uses the host surrogate’s egg and either donor sperm or sperm from the intended father to impregnate the host; there is a genetic relationship to the surrogate in traditional surrogacy. Gestational surrogacy uses either donor sperm and eggs or the sperm and eggs of the intended father and mother to impregnate the host surrogate; there is no genetic relationship to the surrogate in gestational surrogacy. Most people that choose surrogacy, as opposed to IVF or adoption, do so out of a desire to have a genetic relationship with the child. There are only six states in the United States that permit surrogacy contracts: Arkansas, California, Illinois (gestational surrogacy only), Massachusetts, New Jersey (uncompensated surrogacy agreements only), and Washington (uncompensated surrogacy agreements only). The remaining states have no surrogacy laws, mixed/ambiguous laws, or surrogacy is not legal. Surrogacy contracts are typically legal contracts where portions of the contracts can be unenforceable, particularly any portion of a contract that would require a surrogate host to continue a pregnancy against her will. A surrogate mother has the option at any time to continue or end the pregnancy and there is nothing the intended parents can do to change the fact that this is her exclusive right (even with a legal contract).

As I have perused the surrogacy message boards, I have learned that abortion is a hot topic in the surrogacy community. It can become an issue when selective reduction comes in to play, when the potential for a “defective” child becomes an issue, when a surrogate or intended parents change their mind, or when intended parents become unable to pay their bill. I’ve read stories of intended parents that have paid tens of thousands of dollars only to have their genetic property arbitrarily destroyed by a surrogate that changed her mind. These parents weep over their lost child, their lost parenthood, while the surrogate mom exercises her right to privacy. Imagine the dichotomy of positions. While many, if not most, of these families are ardent supporters of women’s reproductive rights, these same families lament the loss of their “child”. So whose property is that growing human? Many try to sue for performance of contract; however the sad reality is, the child in the womb is chattel owned by the mother carrying him or her. Many have tried to apply commerce laws, laws applying to the selling of goods and services, to the surrogacy contract; once again a woman’s right to privacy supersedes commerce law in this instance. I am struck at this point by the offensive objectification of these children, pawns used by surrogates to improve their financial situation and by intended parents attempting to satisfy their desire to have a genetic relationship with a child. This thing, this child, that sees its net worth rising and falling based on human desire and the ability to perform.

Now, what about those six women from China? Once again I was faced with dueling challenges; China’s forced subjugation of women with respect to their ability to have more than one child and the burgeoning womb for rent industry in China. As I researched, I came across many articles about the Chinese government cracking down on the womb for rent industry, and stories of the Chinese government strapping teenage women to tables as they insert needles into their bellies to begin the abortion process, a situation not unfamiliar to many Chinese women that have been subjected to forced abortions (even when the little ones were intended to remain within their genetic families). I doubt many of you are asking why Chinese women would be used for surrogates, in case you are, the answer is cheap labor. The cost of surrogacy with a Chinese or Indian woman ranges from $12,000 to $30,000 compared to the cost of a US surrogate which costs upward of $70,000. While continuing my research I also learned that many military wives are becoming surrogates in order to supplement pay, particularly those whose husbands are being deployed for long periods of time. Women, how far have we come to sink so low? Women of all skin color are selling their fertility to improve their financial situations, allowing themselves to be used as a tool to satisfy their desires and the desires of others.

Dare I risk broaching another surrogacy question? What about the risks of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)? In order to achieve pregnancy IVF is perfomed. Drugs are given to an egg donor to hyper stimulate ovary production. A woman’s pelvic area swells to about twice its normal size and if you think PMS is bad during normal ovulation can you imagine being in the presence of woman whose ovaries have been hyper stimulated, or can you imagine being that woman? Most women produce only one egg per cycle. Egg donors will produce anywhere from 5-35 eggs. Did I mention the possible association between IVF and breast and ovarian cancer. Do your own research, check with the National Institute of Health.

In the final analysis, I would say BUYER AND SELLER BEWARE. There is an overwhelming amount of using and abusing of the human person involved in designing a baby that is genetically related to the intended parents. In addition to the utilization of the child, it deprives the child of his or her filial relationship with his or her parents and their extended family, it creates a disruption in both the societal role and the obligation of parenting, it creates a disruption to the institution of marriage (the historical purpose of marriage is unity and the pro-creation and raising of children), and creates disorder in the fabric of society.

People of all walks of life are choosing alternative means of achieving pregnancy and parenthood. Be aware of those that are seeking, without success to achieve pregnancy, and be of support in word and in deed. Be knowledgeable of ethical resources for achieving pregnancy such as Natural Family Planning and NaPro Technology Both have been hugely successful in helping couples struggling with infertility to achieve pregnancy. Not all infertile couples will be open to discussing such an intimate topic, so perhaps providing the couple with written information will be the least intrusive route to take. Most of all, be an informed voice of support and sanity.

Louisa Millington

Louisa Millington is a proud mom of four children and has been married to her husband Tim for 21 years. She has spent her adult life in service to Life & Dignity issues. In 1994, with her husband and a small group of people from the Lake Arrowhead area, Louisa opened Veronica's Maternity Home. Hundreds of children have been born out of Veronica's Home and hundreds of women have changed their lives through the housing, education, life training, and love provided by Veronica's Home. In 1996 Louisa began to work with the Respect Life Office of the Diocese of San Bernardino and since then has been fortunate to work on legislative issues and projects on a local, state and national level. She considers herself blessed to have had so many opportunities to serve and equally blessed by the friends and acquaintances she has made along the way.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Keep Planned Parenthood De-Funded in New Hampshire

President Obama's Administration is pushing hard to reinstate the funding of Planned Parenthood in New Hampshire.

Please thank the New Hampshire Executive Council Members as they continue to stand for de-funding Planned Parenthood. Here are their email addresses:

Learn about some of Planned Parenthood's illegal activities:
Illegal late term abortions  
Donations Accepted to Perform Abortions on Black Babies  
Gives False Medical Information--Rosa Acuna Project
MonaLisa Project 
Sex Trafficking 
Protecting Pedophiles  
Racist Agenda 

For the Dignity of the born and unborn,

Timmerie Millington

Follow my Facebook Page  

Pray for Father Pavone

Please pray for Father Frank Pavone and Most Reverend Patrick Zurek, Bishop of Amarillo that Father Pavone is able to continue his pro-life ministry immediately . . .

'Official Statement of Father Frank Pavone'

STATEN ISLAND, NY – Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, has issued the following statement: 
“For the past several years, my Ordinary, the Most Reverend Patrick Zurek, Bishop of Amarillo, has given me permission to do the full-time pro-life work that I have done since 1993. In 2005, I made a public promise in a Church ceremony in Amarillo, presided over by a Vatican Cardinal, that this full-time pro-life work would be a lifetime commitment. That’s a commitment I promise to fulfill without wavering. 
“This past week, however, I received a letter from the Bishop insisting that I report to the Diocese this Tuesday, September 13 and, for the time being, remain only there. 

“I am very perplexed by this demand. Despite that, because I am a priest of the diocese of Amarillo, I will be obedient and report there on the appointed date, putting the other commitments that are on my calendar on hold until I get more clarity as to what the bishop wants and for how long. Meanwhile, I continue to retain all my priestly faculties and continue to be a priest in “good standing” in the Church. The bishop does not dispute this fact. Rather, he has said that he thinks I am giving too much priority to my pro-life work, and that this makes me disobedient to him. He also has claimed that I haven’t given him enough financial information. 
“Now, although Bishop Zurek is my Ordinary, he is not the bishop of Priests for Life. Each of our staff priests has his own Ordinary, and the organization has an entire Board of Bishops. We keep them all informed of our activities, and of our financial audits. 
Father Pavone and I at Walk for Life 2011

“I want to say very clearly that Priests for Life is above reproach in its financial management and the stewardship of the monies it receives from dedicated pro-lifers, raised primarily through direct mail at the grassroots level. To this end, Priests for Life has consistently provided every financial document requested by Bishop Zurek, including annual financial audits, quarterly reports, management documents—even entire check registers! In fact, on June 20, 2011, Priests for Life received the results of its independent audit examination for the year ended December 31, 2010. The organization's auditors issued an unqualified audit opinion indicating that the financial statements "present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Priests for Life, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America". This marks the tenth consecutive year that the organization's auditors have provided a 'clean' audit opinion, when reporting on the respective year's financial statements. Priests for Life has been completely transparent with Bishop Zurek and any other bishops who have requested information regarding our management and finances. Indeed, we have 21 bishops and cardinals who sit on our Advisory Board, and they are kept fully informed about our finances.

“Therefore, in the interest of preserving my good reputation as well as protecting the valuable work done by the Priests for Life organization, I have begun a process of appeal to the Vatican. This process aims to correct any mistaken decisions of the bishop in my regard and to protect my commitment to full-time pro-life activity for my whole life. We are very confident that the Vatican will resolve this matter in a just and equitable fashion. Because of this confidence, we are not currently making any changes in any positions at Priests for Life, or in any of our projects and plans. 
“I also want to point out that, according to the canon law of the Catholic Church, because I have begun this process of appeal to Rome, the Bishop’s order that I return to Amarillo has been effectively suspended. Nevertheless, because of my great respect for this Bishop and my commitment to be fully obedient at all times, I am reporting to Amarillo this Tuesday, in hopes that I can sort this problem out with the Bishop in a mutually agreeable and amicable way. 
“I would like to note that, unlike other organizations, which have sometimes been critical of the Church hierarchy or other institutions within the Church, Priests for Life has always remained 100% supportive of the Bishops, never criticizing any Church official, and always acting as a megaphone for the Bishops’ pro-life statements. Moreover, we serve dioceses and their priests and laity without asking for any speakers’ fees, and distribute millions of pieces of pro-life literature to dioceses completely free of charge. We do not seek parish collections, and we work to reinforce in each diocese the local pastoral plan which the bishop wants to implement for pro-life activities. 
“We are committed to going forward with that same spirit, regardless of the recent action taken by Bishop Zurek. 
“In the interest of full transparency, I would like to make it known that I do not receive any salary or financial remuneration from either the Diocese of Amarillo or from Priests for Life. Priests for Life, as a Private Association of the Christian Faithful, does provide for my residence and the expenses associated with the ministry, but these expenses are very small. Though, as a diocesan priest, I have never taken a vow of poverty, I have basically chosen to live in that fashion in solidarity with the pre-born children we are trying to protect—who are the poorest of the poor. 
“I want to be clear that I do not harbor any ill will towards the Bishop of Amarillo, nor do I foster suspicions about his motives. I am merely confused by his actions. It is impossible for me to believe that there is no place in the Church for priests to exercise full-time ministry in the service of the unborn. We do it for the sick, the poor, the hungry, and the imprisoned. But where in the Church is the place where a priest can exercise the same kind of full-time ministry for the children in the womb? That is the question that is at the heart of my own calling. 
“I am confident that we will be able to resolve this difficulty soon, without any harm to either my own reputation and without any slowdown of the valuable pro-life work we do at Priests for Life.”

For the Dignity of the born and unborn,

Timmerie Millington

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New ProLife Ad that Commemorates 9/11

This is a wonderful video by Virtue Media Ads that brings attention to the sanctity of human life as we commemorate the 10th anniversary of 9/11. 

For the Dignity of the born and unborn,

Timmerie Millington

Monday, September 12, 2011

Action Alert: Stop the Birth Control Mandate

On August 3, 2011 the Department of Health and Human Services decided to mandate coverage of birth control, surgical sterilization, and abortifacients in all private heathcare plans.

Are you a tax payer? Do you support Birth Control, Abortifacients (a drug or agent that causes abortion), and surgical sterilization? Well you’ll be providing these services for millions of Americana's to take advantage of at any time. Despite religious or moral beliefs you’re paying for it, and patients do not even have a co-pay for these services.

 Church Teaching:

Contraception and Sterilization:
Catechism of the Catholic Church: "[E]very action which, whether in anticipation of the conjugal act, or in its accomplishment, or in the development of its natural consequences, proposes, whether as an end or as a means, to render procreation impossible is intrinsically evil" (CCC 2370).
"Legitimate intentions on the part of the spouses do not justify recourse to morally unacceptable means . . . for example, direct sterilization or contraception" (CCC 2399).

Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph 2271:

Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law:
You shall not kill the embryo by abortion and shall not cause the newborn to perish.75
God, the Lord of life, has entrusted to men the noble mission of safeguarding life, and men must carry it out in a manner worthy of themselves. Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception: abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes.76

Now please take a few moments to defend the consciences of millions of Americans who do not support abortifaceints, contraception, and sterilization. It will only take a few minutes:

  1. Sign the petition to President Obama’s Administration and Secretary Sebelius to stop the birth control mandate.
  2. Health and Human Services is accepting comments on the issue at hand. Please send an email through NCHLA’s action center in opposition to this mandate.
  3. Post the link to this article: on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites so that others can take action as well. 
For the Dignity of the born and unborn,

Timmerie Millington